Chapter 45

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This is the most stressful moment of your life, the untold fight, Bakugou's kidnapping, Khrome's accident, the matters of the island, facing your classmates' parents, and now, the trial. You did good so far, this is going to be fine as well. Your lawyer is a trusted man of the school, he'll help you; he says that the trial is short, but it'll look long because of your bad position. As always, Shouto accompanies you, but he can't get off the car with you, the press and newscasts are there, he can't be seen with you yet, not when the country is facing this huge crisis.

Inside the courtroom, the judge and the court are already there, as you walk towards that little wood pedestal, while the journalists are recording everything.

<<Good morning, Your Honor.>> you bow and wait silently, as the judge greets you back.

<<Do you swear to tell the truth, only the truth, nothing but truth?>> speaks a member of the court, making you put the right hand on your chest and repeat his words.

<<I do.>> after your reply, the judge silences the courtroom and begins the trial. "Here it comes.... Stay calm, nothing bad will happen."

<<I'm reading these documents, this isn't the first time you go against the law and use your quirk to fight without permission. The previous one was during the Hosu issue; do you confirm it?>>


<<Very well, would you like to tell in detail what happened? Your school grades are impeccable, a prominent student like you wouldn't break the rules without a reason.>>

"Can I?" you look over your lawyer and he nods, <<Yes, Your Honor. I was in an internship with the American hero Ray, and suddenly, my phone vibrated due to a notification. After Ray's permission, I opened the text received from my classmate. It had no words only a location, and I understood that he could be in danger and in need of backup, so after Ray's approbation, I went to my friend and helped him out. I arrived when the fight was already over, and after a few minutes later, a child ran down the streets calling my hero name, and he explained to me that my brothers were in danger because of him. He said that the situation was critical, so I headed towards my brothers and I saw the enemy, I saw Seatiel.>>

<<Please continue.>>

<<Since I rarely participated at the Ryuhi's activities, I didn't recognize him at first, but when I understood with who I was fighting, I gave the priority to my brothers and to Hosu. As you saw in the TV, that man is unbelievably powerful and smart, so that night I used my quirk at... its 40-50% of its potential, because I was still concerned about the surroundings and the people that maybe was still running to the safe point. I couldn't do a scratch on him, while he beat me up completely, and after did what he came for, he decided to destroy Hosu. I used my left energies to block his attempt, but I fainted due to the various injuries. After that, I don't know what happened, I woke up after weeks of coma.>>

<<The report says that Endevour took you personally to the hospital and looked after you until three old people came and deported you into another hospital. Then, a Ray's acquaintance rebuilt the destroyed city and people could go back at their places.>> setting aside the papers, the judge picks another one, <<This time though, the damages are incalculable, and doesn't put you under a good light, since you used your quirk without authorization. Basing on the damages on the port, city and districts, the penalty for you would be the expulsion from the U.A. school and send to jail. Do you regret what you did, (F/N)?>>

<<No.>> you reply determinate and the court begins to whisper, <<The lives of the people I could save, don't have the same value of a building, I do not regret my actions, nor what I did to the city or the port. People out there can still see the light of the day and feel the warmth of the sun, smile and enjoy their lives, and that, doesn't have any price for me. I fought someone way superior than me, knowing that I might die, just because of that smile they have now. Not for fame or fortune, I did everything for a smile, and that will never be a reason that I will regret.>>

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