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Lisa had a sleepless night thinking about how she will react when they would meet and everything but what she was sure was this time it would be her who will take a little advantage of the situation.

She had thought of many ways and finally came up with a good way and she was sure he wouldn't be able to resist her.

She took her phone and sent a text to Taehyung.

Hey boii...with double B bring me some ice cream when you visit me or else I won't open the door for you.

{ And of course Taehyung being Taehyung saw the message and was thinking hard who this boy with Double B would be and BamBam was the first one to come up in his mind. After their yesterday's short talk Taehyung was determined to make a move on Lisa for real this time and not just be tagged as her 'so called internet Daddy' he was anxious about how to approach Lisa in real life but he was going to make sure that Lisa would be his and not someone else's. He was snapped out of his daydream by the notification of message }

Bitch are you ignoring me ??😬😬

Well language baby girl
And hello there •﹏•

Sorry wrong sEND

(She made it look like she had accidentally send the message to him when on the first place the message was intended for him only.)

Well...Anyways now straight to the point who is this boy with double B. Is he your boyfriend?.

(Taehyung really wanted to know it from Lisa if she had a boyfriend because according to his investigation Lisa never had a boyfriend in her life. And if you question 'how did he know this' the answer is simple he just had to bother BamBam for some hours and then he had all the answers. Well its easy to get answers from BamBam as you just have to bother him and when he gets irritated he just gives in )

He is a friend and no I don't have a boyfie😖😔

Good because I didn't want to murder someone ˋ︿ˊ
And you have daddy baby.

Well I will play along with you today as I don't have my ice cream and I am hungry for ice cream 😢😢.

Anyways DaDDy😛😜

Yes baby girl what can I do for you 💓

Play with me daddy😝😋

Well baby daddy would love to play with you but daddy is busy right now ..so next time I guess.

B-but, but daddy I have no one to play with :3

Oh baby daddy is so sorry.
But today Daddy really can't.
Now be a good girl and don't disturb daddy.

But daddy
I thought you had ask for a pic today as I dressed up for you😳😳

You dressed up for daddy ??

(To say Taehyung was shocked was really an understatement as Lisa would  never on her own call him Daddy in first place without conditions and now she even said that she had dressed up for him. He sure didn't want to believe but somewhere in his heart he knew after talking for so much time she had some feeling for him even though as some online stranger but still)

Yes daddy😶😶

Now be a good girl and send me your pretty pics princess.


I hope you like it daddy😖

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I hope you like it daddy😖

I don't like it

(Lisa was actually disappointed when he said he didn't like it but was cheered when he said he loved it. She actually was hoping for it.)

Really Daddy ??

Yes baby and now it is your fault that I am all hard in my workplace😐😑

I am sorry daddy🙏🙏


Well hello there guys it was a long chapter but hope you liked it and I have published a new Taelice fanfic its name is Longing and  if you have time do read it. Sorry for the shameless self promotion 😂😂😂

Last but not the least

Vote comment and enjoy 💜💜💜


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