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Lisa was just lazing around as she knew it would take Taehyung half an hour to arrive and tbh she wasn't in the mood to change her pj's. But she knew she can't be bra and pantie less in front of Taehyung. So she had decided just to add bra and panties to her outfit.

After the quick change she just tied her hair into messy bun. She had prepared a cocktail for Taehyung beforehand and had decided to serve it cool as soon as he enters.

She had made sure to clean her room and dorm.

*Ding Dong*
(Ft. Jungkook's cute voice)

In front of her was standing a 5'10 inches tall Taehyung who seemed taller than she had imagined him to be. They didn't had a huge height difference but still it was enough for her head to nuzzle in his neck. And it was their first official hug. Lisa was so excited by the skinship. Oh poor Lisa only if you knew there are many more to come today ;)

Tbh Taehyung was dumbfounded when Lisa had opened the door because she was standing there looking sexy in pj's that showed her milky long legs and the strappy top that showed her ever so honey smooth collarbones. It looked so inviting to be marked but Taehyung had to control himself.

Soon after all the formalities of the greeting session was over Taehyung asked Lisa to show her room. And of course being the clueless girl she is she just easily complied while smiling.

Lisa's room wasn't all that heavily decorated and it had a very pleasing vibe to it as the curtains ,lights and the Polaroid images were placed messily cute.

Taehyung sat at her double king sized bed and he could tell that this room belonged to Lisa as it surely had her sweet smell. Lisa sat there next to him and started blabbering about how she wanted Rosé's room at first but then she was comforted by her bandmates telling her that Jennie's room was right next to her.

What Lisa didn't notice was Taehyung was staring at her intently. And about how not so earthly thoughts that were running through his mind. As Taehyung was finding it hard to control himself Lisa just placed her hand casually or maybe  unknowingly on his thigh That was it. Taehyung couldn't control himself anymore.

So he just grabbed Lisa by neck startling her by the action and kissed her softly because even though he was HORNY he knew Lisa had never kissed anyone and Taehyung is probably her first kiss which was proved later as Taehyung kissed her hungrily and she tried to kiss him back tbh he found the act so adorable if he was not kissing her or if he was not so horny he sure would have pinched her cheeks. He titled his head and kissed her, tracing his tongue along the plumpy lower lip of her but it seemed like she didn't get the message so Taehyung slightly nibbled it making her gasp into his mouth and he just used the opportunity to explore her mouth.

Taehyung had earlier thought that Lisa would taste like vanilla  because she smells like one but no she tasted like strawberries and obviously it was Taehyung's favorite fruit so he just wanted to get more of her taste. His hands found their way to her waist while her hands tangled in his silky grey hair.

He squeezed her waist and laid her while kissing her. When he opened his eyes he saw Lisa Manoban lying there underneath him looking all hot and sexy just for him. So he just trailed his kisses from her jaw to neck where he was kissing and biting every now then at one particular spot that was her neck. He found that her sweet spot was just below her ears and whenever he bit it she moaned loudly. So he didn't waste time and just started sucking the sweet spot so hard to making sure to leave a Hickey over there. 

He trailed down to her chest and then slowly made his way to one of her breast and gave her a squeeze from above the PJ top. She mewled so he just pinched her nipple and then pushed down her top just to be meeted by a cute pastel blue bra with white lace adorning it. He wanted to see all of it so he just hurriedly removed her top and his breathe hitched at the sexy sight of Lisa just in her bra and silky shorts. He removed her bra and then again pinched and twisted her nipples and then trailed  feather light kisses.

Just as Lisa thought he was just playing with her and teasing her and wouldn't take it far. He took one of  her nipples in mouth and sucked it while the other hands was busy caressing her other breast.

He just let his hand wander along her body. His hands had finally found their way to her elastic band of her short playing with it by tugging at the edge but he finally got impatient so he removed her shorts and caressed her pussy from the underwear. It was a pastel blue underwear with white bow in the middle. He was so impatient that he slid his hands into her panties and slowly starting rubbing her clit this action got Lisa whimpering. Lisa's action encouraged Taehyung as to he was doing good so he entered a finger without warning Lisa's breath hitched and she started moaning


If you would ask Taehyung if Lisa sounded okay or not he would definitely answer that she didn't sound okay she sounded damn sexy.

Taehyung added a second finger and Lisa's just moaned louder while buckling her hips for more friction Taehyung felt his slacks getting tighter along the crotch area. He was so turned on by the sexy expression Lisa was giving him.

"Moan louder baby Tell'em who's baby girl you are. Tell'em who's got you maoning like this." Tarhyung said in dark husky and low voice.

"Da...die I am daddy's baby girl" she moaned loudly

She could feel something build in her lower stomach.

Taehyung simply started kissing her lips hungrily and just speeding his action which made Lisa squeal loudly
and she said

"G..g.Gonna cum DADDEH"

"Cum for daddy baby girl" he said biting on her breast leaving hickey there with a bite mark.

Just as he said those words Lisa let go off herself and came hard. It was her first orgasm tbh as she never had touched herself before.

After she came from high they laid there cuddling and Lisa had her head buried in his chest as she was shy about what had just happened earlier. Taehyung just wanted to protect her as she was so precious and shy.


Well it was awkward but I had promised to provide y'all smut

Was it okay or not ?

Should I write smut in my further chapters or not ?

Basically I had planned to start smut from this chapter until the end but not in every chapter ;)

͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


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