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2 years later...

Bts spending their holidays at their dorm was now a rare occurrence. Continous tours,shows,practice had them busy almost each day so whenever they had time to themselves they spent it wisely well excluding Maknae line as Jimin had drag Jungkook everywhere for sightseeing or treating him to delicious food at the most deserted hotels. And for Taehyung he had recently started going on dates his parents had set him upto, his dates usually ended as his one night stands rather than anything else because the girls were dazzled by his idol appearance. He usually rejected going on dates but his parents had somehow managed to get him go.

So today was just like any other holiday, here he was sitting with a korean girl who looked really gorgeous with black hair and thin lips. She was actually good companion if he were to be honest. She was at least decent trying not shove about the fact that she liked him as a idol and just calmly shaked his hands.

He was dog tired and just wanted to sleep rather than be having dinner at a lavish hotel with a total stranger. But he had to get this done with and reject her politely the next day.

The girl was talking about something he totally wasn't interested and he just wanted to get over with the situation as soon as possible.

Finally. He muttered under his breathe. They were standing at the parking of hotel waiting for the valet to bring his car when he saw Taeyong of Nct with a girl. Taehyung shrugged thinking that he might be on date as the hotel was private and didn't allowed any paparazzi. But what got him tapping his shoes and clench his fist was the girl was none other than Lisa.

Who now has faded blonde hair which was tied into highbun she still managed to look beautiful in her casual black turtleneck and checkered mini skirt. She had no makeup on ,just had her lips chapped which looked rosy in contrast to her pale skin.

Of course only she had managed to get him observe every detail of her. And he hated it because she still had that effect on him. He never paid attention to anyone's  hairstyle, lipsticks or anything but she had make him do that every time.

His was pulled out of daze when he saw Taeyong holding onto her wrist and making her walk behind him. He really wanted to rip that hand so bad but he controlled because he had no right. Lisa wasn't his now. They weren't together.

His car finally came, his date had already left him so today he could sleep peacefully rather than fucking a stranger.

But rn he was so infuriated because how dare Lisa to move on this fast with another guy. When he still loved her.

So when Taehyung's parents called him that night asking him whether he had go on another date with the same girl he had agreed not knowing what he was saying.

Taehyung sometimes really hated himself because his anger always made him regret his words just like once again sitting in the same place having date with the same girl talking his ear off. He just hummed as an acknowledgement.

Sitting across him was SoEun. He actually had felt embarrassed when he had forgot her name but luckily he didn't had to ask her because she herself introduced once again.

They had actually exchanged number not because he wanted but the she had asked him to type his number in her phone and he didn't wanted to be rude.

He, this time, actually talked to her and ate his dinner and left the place. He didn't want to raise the hopes of girl so he had told her that he actually wasn't interested in her but she just smiled and told him that she already knew but wanted to have friendship which he agreed happily to.

Taehyung's day now consisted of him practising and occasionally talking to SoEun. He had no intention on actually responding to her but his parents had forced him so being the good son that he is he always did what they asked him to. Taehyung had a upcoming MCing of a music festival that he was partnered with Irene and Bogum so he was practicing their interaction before handedly with them. It was pretty fun for them as Tae and Bogum were already friends and Irene was a good person so it went pretty well for them. They were sure people had go crazy through their interactions.

Soon their practice session was over and Seulgi had entered the room to talk to Irene. Taehyung was already well acquainted with RV's  member so he knew Seulgi would obviously be a part of the special dance line.  He just greeted her and was on his way to canteen when he saw Lisa bended on Taeyong's body to shower him with hits as Taeyong was avoiding her hits. During the process Lisa had unknowingly came closer to Taeyong to just smack him with a cute pout adorning her face as if to show that she was annoyed which she definitely failed to with that cute look but Taehyung's couldn't ignore the way Lisa smiled at him after he gave into her and let her smack him. He really ignored his heart which pained to see that Lisa was smiling because of someone else. So he tried to escape the place but of course he had been called out by someone and when he lifted his face to see who it was he was greeted by big brown doll like eyes which belonged to the doll like girl. They both were facing each other, lost in each others eyes but soon their staring contest was broken by Minho of Shinee who pulled Taehyung into a Bro hug and Lisa took this opportunity to escape the place.

That night Taehyung could not think of anything else rather than Lalisa Manoban. Those eyes which sparkled everytime they met or chubby cheek that bunched up every time she smiled or laughed. Her pretty, pretty face which was one of the most unique creation of God. And her heart which was Golden and pure, which  used to belong to him.

He thought he was over Lisa Manoban a long time ago but today he found out that he just ignored his feeling and continued to work. But will he get back together with her? He didn't knew.

God Lalisa Manoban really loved messing with his feeling without knowing and he didn't want to create a mess of himself so he decided that he had better stay away from Lisa.

'It's easy you won't even meet her so it's just temporary mood swings so it will be gone soon Right Taehyung' he assured himself.

Taehyung that night slept rather calmly as a certain blonde appeared in his dreams. He unknowingly smiled in his sleep.


Sorry for the messy chapter. I kinda rushed the chapter but damn I had to  rewrite this chapter 3-4 times and still I was not satisfied and I am still not but I have to update. I don't know where this story is actually going 😂😂😂.

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