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This chapter is in Taehyung's Pov so that y'all don't get confused over the events.

This had to be a joke,a very bad joke indeed, because I wasn't laughing. If she continued this joke I might cry as well.

I tried reasoning her out.
"Lisa..baby don't joke I know you love to prank but this is just too much. " I said to her with my tone just showing her how much desperate I was for it to be a joke.

"I am not joking Tae I am really breaking up with you" lisa answered me while crying. Oh no She really sounds serious. But I can't just breakup with her. I can't just let her go I love her too much for my own good.

I take a deep breath and tried to convince her or just straightly tried to force her to stay with me "If you really are breaking up with me then I wouldn't let you go, you are mine, you are my Lisa Manoban. And I will make sure you would be mine till the end of my life." But the line suddenly went off. And I tried calling her again and again but she didn't pick up. But I kept on trying but she didn't pick.

All I could was shout and cry as I messaged her but there was no answer. I still tried to call her hoping she had pick up.

And she finally picked up.

"Lisa please don't do this baby I love you so much. Please I will do everything you want-" I said hurriedly in the phone but was answered by a man.

"Mr.Kim I hope you get this message loud and clear Lisa broke up with you and she has nothing to do with you so stay away from her. And stop calling lisa because she won't pick up your phone. Goodbye Mr.Kim "

I was just about to answer him when the line went dead. Now I know why my Lisa broke up with but I wasn't just going to sit here and accept it like a loser I am Kim Taehyung and I never give up.

As I was about to leave for lisa's dorm but my manager stopped me and dragged me to Bang-Pd's office.

"Hyung let me go I have an important issue"

He wasn't listening to me and now I know why I was dragged here because our Pd's expression gave it all and no I am not going to listen to any of his bullshit. I love lisa and I am not going to listen to any fucker that's trying to take my Lisa away from me.

"I know what you have to say but Sir I am not going to break up with her." I said angrily.

"Well it's good that you know why you are here but Taehyung just so you know your stubbornness will make Blackpink pay a huge prize" He said casually.

What? What prize is he talking about? Will he press monetary charges on them just because she dated me? This total nonsense.

"Wtf? What do you mean by prize?" I tried not to shout at him.

"It's not nice to curse Taehyung and by prize I mean if the word about you dating her gets out in public she will receive lots of hate from your fans and I am sure you know it wouldn't take long for their careers to be ruined as they are just a rookie" each every word that left his mouth knocked out the oxygen from my system.

And I know the possibility of what he said have huge chances and I don't want to ruin her life but I can't leave her too. She means so much to me. I can't imagine living without her but I can't ruin her barely formed career for my selfish desires.

"Even though both of you would be involved in the scandal but remember it's usually the girl who receives hate"

I know! I know but I want to deny it and prove it wrong to him but I know he is 100% right. And I don't want to do that to my Lisa.

"So Taehyung decision is upto to you, I won't force anything" He said so casually as if he just didn't gave me a fucking reality check and forced me to make up my mind to leave her. I hate him so much but I can't blame him because it's my fault in the first place if I would have been more patient and waited for her dating ban to end then I could have ended up with her but now I have to pay for it and just have hope for us to end up together in future.

"She has broken up with me so there is nothing more for me to decide" I say in a low voice and he just hums and pat my back.

"Don't be upset Tae you can date other girls who don't have dating ban"

He chuckles quietly while just continously patting me and his words just boil my blood and I fucking want to rip his hand of my back but I control my self before my rage controls my body.

I excuse myself because I feel fucking sick sitting there. I just want to go to lisa and cuddle my pain away but the thought itself pains me because now I can't touch her or talk to her. And I am sure I would barely see her.

I end up messing the practice so I just called it a day because I have no strength. I just want to cry my pain away. And I exactly do the same when we reach dorm.


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