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Taehyung cursed. All he could do was let out a string of curse because well his family had decided that Taehyung would marry SoEun if he has no girlfriend, so he was practically screwed. He had already talked to SoEun clarifying that he really had no feeling so she could reject him but she replied him with a simple 'I am sorry but I can't say anything, my mom and dad have forced me'. He felt sorry for the girl but seriously right now he couldn't care less about anyone except him. He was not interested to marry a girl who he barely knew and didn't liked. If the word gets out, of him having a fiancé then he was sure his career would go downhill so it was a total no-no for him.

Gathering all the courage that he had, he talked to his parents after work hours of endless argument they finally came to the decision  of cancelling the marriage but still forced him to date her.

It was okay for him though because SoEun and him had no feeling so they could pretend they were dating in front of their parents.

Arguments with parents always drained his energy more than anything and he still had to host the show so he tried to cheer himself. Taehyung may or may not have tried to discreetly tried to look at female idols. Well he was actually trying to give fans their so called 'moments'.

The show went on pretty well, he wouldn't admit this but he was actually eager for the  special dance collaboration. He very discreetly tried to look at the performance to find that particular Blonde girl who had messed his feelings but frowned when he didn't found her. He recalled meeting her at SM corridor and she looked just as if she had practised so why was she not dancing.

He shrugged and enjoyed the performance.  'One last performance and then I can sleep in my bed' Taehyung thought. Irene had just announced their last act for the event. Everyone looked at screen as they had some clip playing. In the clip  there were two  shadows of a girl and boy back hugging with audio at end saying  Taeyong and Lisa.

Now this caught Taehyung's attention, he looked at the screen carefully.

(*y'all act like Lisa danced faded with Taeyong, for the sake of story😂😂😂)

Taehyung always loved watching lisa dance because she had a total different aura on stage and the passion she oozed made her stand the most. She always shined the brightest when she performed and always carried this grace around her that screamed Powerful Performer and today was the same he loved how she danced but he hated seeing her this close to that pest again.

The more he watched them dancing the more angry he felt. All of sudden the idea of his bed wasn't that pleasant rather than beating the shit out of Taeyong was.

After the closure of event Taehyung asked the staff about Lisa's waiting room number and didn't give a fuck about the people he bumped into.

As if luck was on his side her waiting room was empty except for her removing her hair pins. Taehyung just locked the door quietly not disturbing Lisa .He would say he  didn't really care what had happen after this but at the back of his mind he calculated everything and recalled that the resting chairs area was the only area in the waiting room where there was no camera so he just bolted towards Lisa who was still busy grabbing her by the arm slamming her to corner beside the chair. Lisa just hissed at the pain inflicted in her back and when she was about to yell at the person but she was greeted by Taehyung's angry glare.

She never expected to meet him again not in this event for sure. They had successfully managed to avoid each other for 2 years so why now all of sudden. Just as she was about to ask him to remove his hand,he asked her

"Already found someone else princess? Never knew you were so desperate for boys."

Lisa was confused by his sudden questions.

"I thought you loved me baby and you wouldn't forget me so easily. Does he treat you better than daddy does? Does he loves you more than daddy does?"

"Hmm? Answer princess!" Taehyung snapped at her.

Lisa didn't knew who Taehyung was talking about. She wasn't seeing anyone. And all the accusations were false.

"Did you enjoy his touch baby? You know right, i don't like sharing. So how can you let him touch you baby, haven't I told you! Only I get to touch you everywhere. But then again, he has always wanted to have his way with you, Right baby?"

Now everything made sense to Lisa. She knew Taehyung was talking about Taeyong. But why would it even matter to him whatever she does and it was just a dance collab for crying out loud. It wasn't like they were having sex so why did it even matter.

"Does he touches you like this?" Taehyung asked caressing Lisa from her shoulder to wrist and pinning them above her head.

"Does he makes you feel better than I do? I bet he can't even give you the kind of pleasure I can give you."  Taehyung said fiercely while holding both of  Lisa's wrist in one hand and bringing his free hand to grab at the back of her neck to tilt her head.

Taehyung took no time and crashed his lips on her. Lisa just stood there trying to figure what was going on. She had always been slow to react and process information when she was in  shock, just like now and once she came back to senses she knew they shouldn't be kissing like this. This is why they were away from each other to even begin with. She tried breaking the kiss but Taehyung just continued to kiss her. Lisa knew she couldn't do anything so she waited for him to stop kissing her just as she thought he was done kissing as he moved away from her lips but he attacked her neck.

Lisa had always been sensitive in her neck area. Even the slightest touch tickled her and the sensation of Taehyung kissing her neck did nothing good to her. She didn't want to feel pleasure but her body was betraying her. It has always been like this,Taehyung made her body and mind contradictory.

Lisa was so lost that she didn't noticed that Taehyung had freed her wrist and was now pushing the strip of her top down. She was only aware of it when he pulled her bra down before she could protest his mouth was on her nipple sucking it. Biting it lightly and teasing it with his tongue.

Lisa had opened her mouth to stop him but had to cover it with hand to muffle her moans. She knew they shouldn't be doing this but the feeling of Taehyung finger rubbing her nipple after licking was just too much for her. As if he could read he continued the pleasurable torture on her nipple.

Taehyung looked at her while licking her nipples. His gaze was so intense that Lisa couldn't look into his eyes. If she did she was sure she had come straight away. But Taehyung still continued abusing her nipples till they were swollen and pink. He flicked it twice and the sensation made Lisa loose control and come into her panties.

Lisa was panting trying to come down from her high when Taehyung fixed her bra and top.

He sat on the chair and brought her into his lap and secured his arms around her waist.

"You will always be mine babygirl no matter what. So stop playing around. Don't mess with me baby if you don't want to be punished "    He whispered into her ear. He walked out after he got a miss call from his manager. He then remembered he had to somehow get the video deleted of him grabbing Lisa.


Lisa's gaze was not yet steady and she was still dazed. She was brought back into senses when her manager asked her why she still hasn't changed yet. Lisa didn't replied and just changed into her clothes.

She had so many things in her mind going. So many scenarios that could have happened or turned up. She had so many comeback to his questions but she knew the time was gone and now here she was sitting like a idiotic girl in her van.


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