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Continued from the last chapter...

After their laughter had died down Taehyung suddenly remembered about Jimin so he quickly pulled out his phone and started dialing Jimin's number. Lisa who sat across him just gave him a questioning look so he answered that he was calling Jimin and Lisa just snatched his phone and ended the call and said

"About Jimin oppa actually I was the one who made him bring you here" Taehyung just looked at her blankly so Lisa started explaining him


"Uhmm Oppa actually I have something to ask to you?"

"Yes go on and ask what you want to ask" he said with a smile

"So its actually related to Taehyung-Sunbaenim ."Lisa said and Jimin just looked at her with a confused face.

" Uh what about Taehyungie ?" He asked

"You see oppa, I and Taehyung sunbae-nim are online  friends and we still haven't met in real life like face to face so I just wanted to surprise him" Lisa said shyly.

"Oh so you are the one that he chats with all the time " Jimin asked her for confirmation and Lisa just nodded shyly with a red face.

"Yes I think so" she said not so sure if Taehyung only chats with her or other female idols also.

"Oh don't worry Taehyung just chats with one girl as far as I know and he always mentions this girl who he talks online" Jimin said reassuringly.

"So what help do you want from me?" Jimin asked Lisa who just sheepishly smiled at him and replied

"The thing is I want you to bring Taehyung Sunbae-nim  to the  van to meet me without him knowing and I will take him out to ya'know to hang out. So will you help me ?" Lisa asked nervously

"Of course I will but be sure that you both are safe from fans" Jimin replied her simply

"Yes oppa I will make sure" she said with a look of determination and fisting her hand as a 'fighting' sign and Jimin just laughed at her cuteness and patted her head.

"And one more thing Oppa keep this meeting of ours a secret from your members please" Lisa said while giving him puppy eyes while he just chuckled and nodded to her.

Current time...

After Lisa had finished her story Taehyung looked at her with a small smile in his face and asked

"You really were that excited to meet me that you had to do this all"

"Yes I really wanted to meet you Daddy" Lisa answered with a cute serious face.

"Lisa I know you have been calling me daddy since we met just because I asked you to but answer this question seriously okay?" Taehyung said in all seriousness and Lisa Just nodded 

"Will you be mine like be my and only my baby girl for real?"

Lisa was shocked to hear those words from Taehyung she felt as if she misheard.Lisa didn't know what to answer but one thing she knew was that the way Taehyung makes her feel, no one has ever been able to make her feel like this and she had just met him and still yet she was so comfortable. She felt like they had known each other a long time ago. So without thinking much she said the words next.

"Yes I will be yours and only yours whatever you want me to be either Lisa  or your baby girl " Lisa herself  was shocked by her words but she didn't regretted any of the thing she said to him and Taehyung well  don't ask about his happiness. He sure could buy a whole Gucci store for her. He just punched the air in happiness and then hugged Lisa. She was taken aback but she returned the gesture.

He buried his nose in her neck.
"Now that you are my baby girl you better start calling me daddy or else you would be punished kitten" Taehyng muttered huskily in her ear.

Taehyung licked her earlobe making her shudder.

"Answer me kitten" Taehyung asked in deep voice

"Y-Yes D-daddy" Lisa shrieked as he bit the shell of her ear.

To be continued...

Hope you are enjoying it.

Actually comments motivates me to publish chapter 😛😛

Vote comment enjoy 💜💜💜

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