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Taehyung was really not expecting to encounter Lisa and the things to go downhill. He thought their relationship could still be mended even though they both didn't tried but hearing and seeing the things Lisa said and their conditions it started to make a little sense about their situations and problems. But a bigger part of him was still not ready to let go of her but he had to because he couldn't hurt Lisa more than he already has because just as Lisa had said he couldn't play with her even though that wasn't his intention but that was real dick move to touch her and then get engaged to other girl.

Taehyung let out a distressed sigh and then rubbed his face. He decided that he needed a drink or two to sleep easily through his pain.

Morning came rather soon for Taehyung groaning through the endless wakeup calls from his members then finally opening his eyes when he felt Jin spanking his ass. He groaned loudly to show that he was awake. A year of going through heartbreak and he still wasn't used to it but now he was better at hiding his emotions. Acting normally throughout the breakfast was rather easy as he had the excuse of alcohol to blame is swollen eyes and bloated face.

He was in Studio practising dance when he got a call from SoEun informing him about a private engagement party at her home to meet her family and close friends. He really didn't want to attend the party but he knows his parents would pressurise him later so he agreed.

He had informed the members about the party and had invited them to come with him. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook had a little bit hesitation but they agreed because it was their Taetae's engagement party.

The party was at SoEun's family house at Gangnam. The party was simple and sophisticated. It was just the Kims and their closest friends and Lee's with their closest friends. When they had entered the party Taehyung directly headed towards his parents and SoEun's parents greeted them and then introduced his member to SoEun's parents and they had a short conversation before he asked for SoEun's whereabouts. He was told that she was with her brother and his friends in his room. The members stayed back to have drinks while Taehyung headed to SoEun's brothers room the first thing he saw was Taeyong, Lisa, Jaehyun and SoEun laughing. Lisa was laughing the expression was totally different from the one he saw her last time. With big pretty eyes filled with water trying not to blink so to prevent the tears to stop but unable to do so. She looked pretty laughing rather than crying. Her chubby cheeks bunching when she leaned her head back.

He was so focused on admiring Lisa that he sidetracked that Lisa was here at his engagement party and he was going to place a ring on a woman's finger who wasn't Lisa. Before he could think more about her SoEun loudly called his name and hugged him while smiling and all he could do was hug her back slowly and muster a small smile. He watched Lisa while her eyes grew comically wide at his presence. Then it clicked to him that she wasn't aware of the engagement being his own engagement party. He was also confused at Taeyong's and Jaehyuns presence but he kept quite. When SoEun had hugged him enough she pulled back and pulled him towards them and started introducing him.

"I think you all probably know each other but still let me introduce this is Kim Taehyung, my fiancé. And Taehyung this is my older brother Taeyong. This Lisa and Jaehyun his close friends."
They boys shaked their hands while Lisa bowed her head while avoiding his eyes.

Lisa excused herself leaving others in the room while she went to get herself a drink. Here she was trying to avoid getting lonely and her broken heart while it turned into a disaster recipe. When she was in front of the counter to get her drink she saw a woman about her moms age whose drink was about to fall on her pale blue dress while she was busy fitting her feet in her shoes. She quickly grabbed her glass and placed in on counter when she grabbed her hand and pointed her to continue her task when the woman was done she smiled at Lisa and thanked her but Lisa just bowed at her said it was not that big of deal and smiled at her while she took a glass of wine for herself. Lisa just went to a corner to make herself invisible. She was having so much fun before she saw Taehyung but of course ur wasn't right to blame just him for it. It was her fault also to not know whose part it was. She pouted to herself to her herself in such a situation. Lisa also was sulking because she was trying to remember SoEun's face but she couldn't recall.

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