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It had been four days since the intimate moment they had. And at first Lisa was so shy she didn't even replied to Taehyung saying that its embarrassing and all Taehyung could do was laugh at her cuteness. Taehyung was totally okay with it sorry cut that and rephrase it Taehyung was more than happy that it actually happened. And Taehyung had convinced her that its natural between couples so Lisa had finally tried to act okay.

Today Lisa had to go for shopping as she had to buy some new plushies because according to her the plushies weren't soft enough. So Lisa had went alone to the mall as everyone were enjoying their vacation with their family and unfortunately her parents were busy with some stuffs in Thailand.

Lisa was  done buying the plushies so she walked to the cashier to pay for it when she saw Taehyung leaving the Gucci store.

Lisa hurried towards him and had ensured to cover herself properly as she didn't want anyone to recognize her and she had noticed that he had totally disguised himself and wasn't actually easy for people to tell that he was Kim Taehyung but Lisa could identify him because of those hands. Those hand with slim long fingers which just had perfect amount of veins just to turn on the person who would just shake hands with him.

He suddenly stood at a spot,she thought he had noticed her but he just had received a call so he was busy talking when she walked past him.

Taehyung had just ended his call with his mother. So he started walking but suddenly he was pulled into a corner and was cornered into a bathroom stall. Before he could register anything he was pulled into a tight hug as he was going to push the person he caught whiff of the scent. A scent he was now familiar with.

"Why so eager baby girl? You know you scared me there  for a second!" Tae stated

"I just missed daddy and I wanted to surprise " Lisa stated while looking into his eyes.

" Well I am baby girl " he smiled

Lisa smiled towards him and Taehyung just affectionately kissed her. As he was going to pull back Lisa held him by his neck and deepened the kiss Taehyung was confused at first but didn't mind it and kissed her back.

The kiss was all steamy and hot. Taehyung could feel himself getting hard and he hated that he chose to wear loose sweatpants as it was visible to Lisa and tbh Lisa wasn't complaining or embarrassed by this she actually had something in her mind.

So Lisa gently took step towards him which made Taehyung step back without breaking the kiss she pushed him by his shoulder towards the door he actually didn't knew what she was doing until she kneeled down in front of him. Taehyung eyes widened in shock

"Lisa, baby what are you doing?" He asked trying to hide his anxiousness.

"Uhmm I just want to make you feel good. Last time you made me feel good but I never returned the favor "
Lisa said sounding embarrassed Taehyung chuckled at her and said

"Its okay baby girl there is no need for this and no, you don't have to return the favor because it wasn't a favor it was out of love"

"No I want to make you feel good. I might not be at it good but I want to make you feel good and actually this isn't a favor but its my way to show you my love."

And then Taehyung couldn't argue anymore so Lisa knew she  had won so she asked

"Can I ?" While indicating towards his boner and all he could do was nod.

Lisa slowly and carefully placed her palm on the boner feeling it through the clothes,she could tell he was big. She palmed him and caressed him. Soon she was impatient and so was Taehyung as he was just about to complain about her teasing Lisa  suddenly asked

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