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They had left Namwon early morning. Taehyung was once again driving while Lisa was talking to him continuously and if not she was dancing to the songs.

They had earlier discussed about their schedule after this and Lisa was disappointed to know Taehyung was again stocked up with work as their popularity had take toll so it's was inevitable and she knew the perks of dating an idol and he wasn't any idol, he was world's most popular Kpop groups member but still she felt tad bit sad knowing she had not meet him again but who can blame her cuz at the end of the day she was just a normal girl who wanted to see her man.

And Taehyung knew this but decided not to say anything because honestly he felt bad for not doing his duties as a boyfriend but Lisa had never complain about anything.

And Lisa really didn't want to ruin the fun they had in the last two days so she decided not to get sad at this moment when she could just enjoy his presence so she started doing goofy things.

It was all okay until Lisa had actually placed her hand on Taehyung's crotch.

She wasn't aware not until Taehyung had placed one of his hand on hers. She looked at him abruptly with wide eyes to find him already looking at her giving her a sexy stare. He looked so hot driving with one hand.

He gave her one last smirk and then started guiding her hand making her palm him from his jeans. She knew the game they had started would end up making her sore but she couldn't resist his touches and him. So she played along with and just with little bit of time Taehyung was semi hard and he couldn't concentrate on driving anymore with Lisa's hand on him, making him crazy to touch her so he just parked into the abandoned bushy forest where it was hard to find even one soul.

Their car was faraway from the main road so no one could see what they were doing.

Taehyung just got out of the car and soon Lisa had followed him out for a moment she thought he was angry but why would he be angry when he was the one who started at the first place but before she could ask anything she was grabbed by her waist and hoisted up on the bonnet of the car, she could only squeak at the sudden action.

Soon they were kissing which was all tongue and teeth. Desperately touching each other as if it was their last[;)] time.

Taehyung kissed Lisa so passionately that Lisa couldn't explain. The ardent and the fervor was totally new for Lisa.

She could you vaguely guess the emotions that Taehyung poured into their kiss. She was sure she wouldn't ever forget about this kiss because to her all the emotions he was showing to her made her feel so wanted and made her so precious and Lisa tried to respond back with the same passion she thought maybe she wasn't pouring all her emotions in the kiss but she was wrong Taehyung could feel her love in the kiss and this melted his heart.

Taehyung broke the kiss and started kissing her down from her mouth to her chin leaving open mouth kisses to her jaw and soon he was giving her butterfly kisses all over her neck all she could respond was by throwing her head back and grabbing on to his hair when he nipped at her skin.

This felt good. Taehyung's lips on her skin felt too good to be true and Taehyung Delicate touches made her think this all was a dream but hell this was true and Taehyung was making her feel so many emotions.

"Can I touch you Lisa?" Taehyung asked lisa.

This was the first time Taehyung had voiced out the question and Lisa sweared that she had do anything he asked because his voice showed and dripped with all the emotions that he had for her.

She just frantically nodded and said "Yes"

Taehyung gave her a hearty smile and soon his hand were working on her shirt buttons while his lips were busy bruising her collarbones.

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