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Lisa was currently rushing to Yg office because she had been abruptly called and was not given the reason for their shotgun meeting so she being eager child that she is hurried to his office.

This wasn't something she wasn't used to, there had been several instances when they had been called into the office for their solo promotions so it was normal.

Lisa shifted on her feet knocking onto the door. She was actually surprised that YG had himself  opened the door because usually he would allow them to come in then rather than receive it himself. So she just put on her best smile while greeting him.

She was standing inside his office when he closed the door and sat on the chair opposite her. Lisa sensed that his mood wasn't good so tried to come up with ideas to start conversation when Yg opened his mouth

"Lisa I hope you remember the rules of the company and the contract you have signed"

Lisa was actually confused, why would he be asking such questions now so she just furrowed her eyebrows and answered

"Yes Sir I remember everything"

"But I don't think so because your actions show me the exact opposite" He replied.

"I don't get it Sir what your trying to say" She asked.

"Okay I'll just straightly get to the point Lisa dating is not allowed till its three years since your debut and you have broken that rule" Yg stated in a very angry tone.

Lisa was shocked and afraid at the same time. She knew Yg won't let it slide. Heck, they weren't even allowed to talk to male idols and here she was sitting being caught up dating a worldwide famous idol.

She knew she was screwed up but she tried to say something in her defense but words won't form. She was totally mute.

"How?" She managed to ask.

"You ask me how lisa,you FUCKING have the audacity to ask that after you hangout with a male idol in your dorm. Don't you try to deny it because I have the surveillance images. Thank goodness I knew it before media or anyone else could have and blow it to   media."

Now there was no turning back, she knew this is going to cause her life serious damage so she just kept her head down and let him shout at her because it had been her fault to go against the rules.

"I didn't debut you to bring my company down. And I am not going to just sit here and let you drag the group with you so break up with the boy and block him everywhere you follow even in your contact list. And you are not supposed to use your mobile unless  you have some urgent issues or if it's to talk to your mother. " Yg ordered her in a dead serious tone.

"But S-Sir-" Lisa tried to convince him but was cut off by her boss shouting at her.

"There is no but's lisa. What do you think will happen when you dating him would be known by the whole nation. It will create a lot of chaos in your life and for the company not to mention they have a huge fanbase worldwide. They would drag you and blackpink down and your career would just end like that. Do you want that? Do you want your team members career to end just because you want to date a boy?"

"No Sir.... I will break up with him"  Because even though he was shouting at her but whatever he said was 100% true and she couldn't end their career like this. It would not only bring Blackpink down but also it would ruin Taehyung's career so this was the only thing she could do it for them.

"Good. I know it's hard but it's for the best Lisa you haven't come so far to just ruin your life because of some guy. You have so much time for dating, now is not the time for it. It's just the start of your career."

She nodded at his words while tears brimmed in her eyes.

"Now call him Lisa and end it here." He said in tone which basically screamed 'do-it-now-or-you-will-die"

Lisa really didn't wanted to break up like this. She at least had thought she would speak to him for few minutes before breaking up. But on the other side this was easier than her way because she wouldn't have the courage when she would have called him. So she produced her phone from her pocket and shakingly she dialed his number.

Tae picked up on the 3rd ring. She took a deep breath and before he could say anything she said

"Let's breakup"

The line from other side suddenly went quite and she could hear heavy breathing.

"What did you say? Is this a prank? Haha very funny" Tae said in hurried tone.

"I... I am breaking up with you" She said with shaky voice.

"Lisa..baby don't joke I know you love playing pranks but this is just too much" He said in a begging manner.

"I am not joking Tae I am really breaking up with you" Now Lisa really bursted out crying.

Taehyung took a deep breath and said "If you really are breaking up with me then I wouldn't let you go, you are mine, you are my Lisa Manoban. And I will make sure-" the line suddenly went off. And all Lisa could do was try to get her phone back because apparently Yg had snatched her phone.

"Enough for now Lisa, go to your dorm your manager is waiting outside and you are not allowed to go outside of your dorm till you have my permission. And for your phone it will be with me for the time being. Got it ?" Yg said to her with a death glare.

And Lisa just walked out of the room with tears flowing down her cheeks. Her manager covered her face with mask and bucket hat in case any paparazzi or fan caught her leaving the building while crying, it had only create unwanted rumours.

So she was taken to her dorm. And all her devices were now connected to Yg office so that they could keep an eye on whom she contacted. 



Yeah I am an asshole but I kinda like it. And Lisa's device doesn't consist her phone because it has been confiscated by Yg.

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