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Ha!! I bet you didn't see this coming but Meh!!


Taehyung and Lisa had met last on the  day of event and soon after 2 days Taehyung and Bts mbers had left for their tour.

Lisa was really sad as she wanted to see him for one last time before he left for the 2 months tour but Taehyung really didn't had time and when he was free Lisa still had practice but Lisa had told him she could just sneak out of practice saying she was sick but Taehyung had just told her to not visit him on the unsafe hours as there weren't any transportation available at the time.

Even though she whined and cried he just ignored her as he was still angry from the Taeyong incident telling her it was her punishment for making him jealous again.

Taehyung was now on the tour and it was nearly 1 and a half month He hadn't seen Lisa just because of his stupid jealousy and anger and now he daily regretted not meeting her for one last time. He really missed her cute smile, big eyes, her sexy collarbones,her cuddles,her hugs,her sweet scent and mostly her sweet sweet touch and the adorable voice Oh he really missed her.

It was the same for Lisa she really missed him and called him in the middle of night as he was on the other part of the earth and it was day for him. He really asked her to sleep as she daily called him talked to him for several hours and would totally miss out on her sleep as she insisted he was more important than her sleep.

Taehyung thought the distance will bring them far from each other but it just deepened their love. He really hates it when Lisa calls him and cries telling him that how much she misses him. And he couldn't do anything as he is an idol and for him performing is more important than his personal life (as  given in the contract).

Currently the Bts members had just finished their concert in Mexico City and had 2 days free for themselves. Taehyung thought that most of the time it was  Lisa who sacrificed her sleep so he thought that it has be good if she could just get to sleep even for one day so he decided to call her. It was night time for Taehyung , 1:00 am exactly when he had called Lisa asking her whether she was practicing but Lisa had a day off too. They had been talking for 20 mins now and Lisa noticed that Taehyung sounded really tired,stressed and a little bit sad so she had an idea to cheer him up a little so she lied to him saying that she couldn't hear him and she would text him.

Lisa rummaged through her closet searching for the lingeries she had bought specially while thinking about Taehyung.

Daddy I wish you were here now😧😧

Me too baby😩😩

I wish you could see the new thigh highs I bought.

Fuck...baby now I wanna see them.
Those cute tight thigh high around your milky gorgeous legs.
Send me a pic baby😫😫

OK Daddy😶😶

Real_Taeddy Fuck baby I wanna touch those honey soft thighs and wanna kiss all the way to your inner thighs

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Fuck baby I wanna touch those honey soft thighs and wanna kiss all the way to your inner thighs.

I want to be the one to remove those cute thigh highs from your legs and kiss all the pain caused from the elastic band😍😍.

Daddy I have something more for you😖😖

Lisangel Daddy I have something more for you😖😖

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Baby girl now I am totally hard. That looks so fucking sexy baby.

Send me more baby.

I want to see that pale beautiful white soft skin that turns a pretty shade of pink when I spank it.

They way it jiggles when it receives a hard blow. Fuck baby I can just come imagining you👅💦

Mhmm Daddy its embarrassing

Real_TaeddyOh baby I just wanna run my hands all over you and then suck hickeys on the places no one can ever see

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Oh baby I just wanna run my hands all over you and then suck hickeys on the places no one can ever see. Mark you at all the places so everyone can know that you fucking belong to me and are mine.

Yes daddy I am all yours 💋💋

See baby what you do to me.
I am all hard just for you

I wish daddy I was there to help you with that 😳😳

Me too baby😭😭


Double update as an apology🙏🙏

And I like texting format🙈🙈

Vote ,comment and Thank you 💜💜

P.S. Don't you like it when your favorite book just gets updated because I sure do😻😻

P.P.S. I am not talking about me but I have too many favorite authors nowadays 😜😝

Again sorry for the late 🙏🙏

   And wattpad please let me
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     I had a really good gif
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