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Lisa had her face nuzzled in Taehyung's chest while his hands were wrapped around her waist which held her in a tight secured grip. Taehyung was caressing her back almost lazily loving the soft skin underneath his finger tips.

Lisa just snuggled further into his chest. He just coos at her cuteness. Lisa stirred in her sleep and finally opened her eyes to be met by Taehyung's eyes . She just sleepily smiled at him while rubbing her eyes like a cute little kitten. Taehyung smiled at her

"Good morning sleepyhead"  Taehyung said hoarsely in his deep morning voice.

She just smiled at him while wishing him a sleepy and slurry good morning. She again cuddled with him laying there awake while drawing random patterns on his chest with her finger, enjoying the warmth he was emitting. She loved this she wished she had wake up everyday like this.

Soon Taehyung sat up and said
"Let's shower baby doll , we have to eat our breakfast as we skipped dinner yesterday"

"But I wanna lay here and cuddle with you" Lisa whined.

"Baby no complaints or you get punished" Lisa immediately closed her mouth at the mention of punishment.

"Okay" She muttered. As she tried to sit she hissed at the pain in her lower bottom. The entire area was so sensitive and was so painful that Lisa could only wince when she tried to move and her discomfort didn't go unnoticed by Tae.

"Baby are you okay ?"  He asked worriedly.

"I am fine it just hurts " She said trying to sound normal but her pain was visible through her voice.

Well for Taehyung, he felt a little bad for doing that to her but deep inside he felt good.

So Tae just sighed and went into the bathroom to let the bathtub fill with warm water. When he came back Lisa was still laying on the bed so he went to her and carried her for bath.

He just let her bath first because  for one,he for sure knew he wouldn't be able to control if they bathed together and  two,Lisa was still in pain.

***Time Skip***

It was evening now and they already had planned for a dinner date at local restaurants. They had dressed in simple clothing trying not to gain attention.

The dinner was quite pleasant as they had grilled pork and ramen. They were walking on the quite road with chilly breeze hitting their faces but with hands tangled with each other and Lisa's head resting against his shoulder and Taehyung's heat engulfing her it seemed quite peaceful for them.

It was moments like this they loved were they both knew they weren't only physically attracted but they also loved each other and enjoyed each others company. They rarely had times to meet each other and spend time, so they treasured times like this were they could hold each other, look at other and just talk to each other.

It felt good to walk like this on road openly like they were a normal couple and not idols. They knew they weren't safe even in this place but they knew no people with sane mind would be walking on the road at this hour of night so they both were carefree but they still were covered with their oversized couple jackets which were ankle length with hood up and scarf covering almost half of their faces but they both still could make out each others smile just by looking at eyes.

It was quite a surprise for Lisa because Taehyung always dirty talked her but seeing him giving such a intense look,full of love had her believe that he was really in love with her.

She just wanted him to fall so deep in love with her just like she fell for him. Even now she can't believe that Taehyung has made her do really crazy things that the past Lisa Manoban would have never imagined or agreed to do but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy and she didn't felt happy by looking at the proud and satisfying looking in Taehyung's face,heck she had do even more crazier things.

While Taehyung was just admiring the silent walk to the hotel and was busy looking for any trouble they had face,but it was all safe.

Soon they were in the warmth of their hotel room and had called it a night by snuggling into each other, liking the way their bodies fit against each other. With Lisa's face under his chin and his hand wrapped around her waist and their legs tangled it was a perfect night.

The next day they had to leave for Seoul so they had really spend their time wisely and they didn't regret any moments in this two days.


Everyone deserves a little bit of fluff(:

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