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Before I start the chapter thanks for 1k and 100+ votes like tbh I never had imagined someone to read my stories and I just started writing this because I wanted some taelice action as there are very less taelice fanfics But I feel real loved and today's update is a real chapter 😉😉

At blackpink's dorm
In Lisa's room

Lisa was lying on her bed as today is the first day of her vacation and she had already planned what she was going to do this vacation. Call Lisa evil or whatever but Lisa had blackmailed BamBam to get Jimin's number tbh the plan was to get Jungkook's number but BamBam said that he is a shy, awkward little bean around girls so it was of no use getting his number and Jimin was the best candidate for the help that Lisa needed.


Lisa had asked BamBam to call Jimin and ask him to meet them as it would be awkward for Lisa to call the older male out of blue. Lisa had met Jimin and he was shocked at first as to why she was present. Lisa was awkward at first showing all sorts of respect to him but he just smiled towards her kindly and made her feel comfortable.

Just as Lisa felt comfortable to him and felt confident enough to ask his help she said

"Uhmm Oppa actually I have something to ask to you?"

"Yes go on and ask what you wanna ask" he said with a smile

"So its actually related to Taehyung-Sunbaenim ............"

"And one more thing Oppa keep this meeting of ours a secret from your members please" Lisa said while giving him puppy eyes he just chuckled and nodded to her.

Current time

Lisa had to get ready first to accomplish her plan. She wore a white shirt and high waisted checkered skirt that complimented her long legs.

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