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Lisa's POV

W-What?" Lisa asked him in disbelief because she really couldn't believe what she just heard. He couldn't possibly do something in such a place. She was terrified yet a small part of her was really excited about what he would do to her.

"Oh baby I really don't like to repeat myself and its better if I show you what I have in my mind" Taehyung said smirking at her and getting closer to her.

"T..tae" she started but was interrupted by his glare.

"S..sorry I meant daddy  but we can't,not here its way too risky" she tried to explain him to which he just smirked and said

"Yes I know but the risk factor makes it more exciting." To which Lisa stared at him dumbfounded.

"Now back to the situation we don't have lot of time so let's get started" Taehyung continued with his infamous smirk.

"B..but" Lisa started to just get interrupted by Taehyung.

"No buts Lisa or else that sweet little butt of yours would be sore later" he warned her.

"Now baby girl Daddy is going to go down on you so be a good girl for him and try to be as quiet as possible " Taehyung said to her while removing his belt. But Lisa was staring alarmed at him as she really didn't pay attention to him and thought they were going to do somethibg inappropriate in such a place. She didn't know how to react and was just lost in her train of thoughts when she felt Taehyung tying her hands with his belt, she just gave him a questioning look to which he just shrugged.

"I still have my performance later and I don't want you to ruin my hair even though I really like you running your hands through my hair but my stylist won't appreciate it." Lisa just nodded at his explanation.

Taehyung dropped on his knees and looked at her in the eyes as if like he was asking permission and who was Lisa to say no to such an ethereal boy who was her boyfriend so she just nodded.

Taehyung grabbed her waist and placed a soft kiss on her navel before giving soft butterfly kisses throughout her belly . Lisa felt really tickly. But soon the tickly sensation was replaced by a sensation that she couldn't name but she knew she wanted to feel it again and again with Taehyung. Taehyung had dipped his tongue in her navel. Lisa wanted to feel his hands all over her and wanted to be close to him in any way possible.

Taehyung then lifted her left leg and placed it in his shoulder before looking into her eyes and said
" Lisa try to lean on the door as much as possible and try not to loose your balance princess"

Lisa was now standing on her one leg and another one  draped over Taehyung's shoulder while her hands were behind her back tied and  holding onto the handle of the door. She was really anticipating as to what he was about to do when Taehyung lifted her skirt and ducked his face to her soft smooth thighs and started kissing her inner thighs and sucking on her soft tender skin over there.

Lisa's breathe hitched. She was never kissed over there it was all new to her. Taehyung was playing with her waistband of pantie while leaving kisses on her inner thighs. Lisa was not aware about it though so when Taehyung removed her pantie in one swift move she was startled and the way Taehyung was eyeing her intimate area made her really shy and uncomfortable all of sudden and she started squirming on her one leg. While she tried to close her legs,but Taehyung  held her waist in a tight grip keeping her in a place and whispered in his authorative voice

"Baby  keep still or this will take more time than intended"

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