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Taehyung had finally calm down now after seeing Lisa in his arms and now he was surely in a good mood and Lisa was really surprised yet she was pleased that she had so much effect on him. She liked the way he treated her sometimes so harsh yet so gentle afterwards. She liked the amount of attention she received.

Although she didn't like being spanked but yet at the same time she liked it. God she was surely going mad now.

She liked the way he held her, she liked the position they were now in with Taehyung's back rested against the headboard of the bed and her back on his chest while his arms wrapped around her waist while his head Nuzzled in her neck.

Yeah she definitely liked this position this was so intimate and romantic. She loved it.

They were talking more like Lisa was talking and Taehyung was listening  her blabber about how she wanted to be a great gamer but how unlucky she was in games. All he could do was laugh because she was whining like a cute little baby. She pouted as she heard him laugh. She just puffed out her cheeks while crossing her arms over her chest while looking away from him.

Taehyung didn't know how could a person get even more cuter.

Now she definitely looked like a baby. And he had promised to himself that he wouldn't let anyone else see this sight because it was purely cute and he definitely didn't want anyone to look at something or someone so cute that belonged to him and only him.

Taehyung smiled to himself before pulling her back to his chest and started kissing her neck and when he was doing it his breathe and hair tickled Lisa so she ended up giggling.

Taehyung liked it. Taehyung liked it alot when Lisa giggled and especially because of him.

Just when he was about to talk to her. Jimin walked into the room. And he saw Lisa giggling in Taehyung's embrace while Taehyung smiled like an idiot the sight was adorable. He saw that his friend really loved her and the girl looked really happy. So he cleared his throat for their attention Lisa jumped at that and Taehyung just glared at him for making his baby startled.

"At least knock on the door Jimin,you scared Lisa with your sudden interruption "

He said to which Jimin just scratched his neck while showing a sheepish smile.

Lisa smiled to him and said it was okay.

Jimin was actually mesmerized by her bright smile but Taehyung's unhappy face caught his attention and he saw how Taehyung just got pissed even though he just admired her as a person and nothing else.

"Actually I was here to tell you that introduce your girl to members Taehyungie they still don't know you have a girlfriend" Jimin said.

"Ah yes,I will and Lisa is also here I think I will introduce her to them" he said.

"Thank you for the idea Jimin"
He smiled. And Jimin just nodded and left the room to not make the couple uncomfortable by his presence. But he smiled as he remembered his friend's admiration for the girl and the way Lisa looked at him. He was happy for his friend and Lisa.


In the next chapter Lisa is going to meet other Bts members.


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