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Regardless to say Lisa was really surprised when Taehyung had drive past his dorm. She had asked Taehyung about their destination but all she had got as an answer was "it's a surprise baby"

Finally after the long 4 hours journey from Seoul they had finally reached Namwon.
The atmosphere in Namwon had this romantic vibes and the place was covered with snow as well ,it was expected as last night there was heavy snowfall. And then when Lisa had asked Tae about where they were currently he just smiled and replied "Namwon,princess" of course Lisa knew it was famous for Chunhyang also called as 'The city of love'.

They had a little detour around the resort they had stay at. The best thing about the place was majority of the tourist didn't actually recognize them and the locals were busy in their own world and didn't paid any attention to them well even if they would see them they wouldn't  recognize them for their masks and Tae was even sporting black wig to hide his grey hair that sure would catch people's attention.

Finally here they were laying on the Queen sized bed with Taehyung spooning Lisa while Lisa was intently watching Frozen as Lisa had literally begged him to watch it with her. Taehyung was not watching the movie heck he didn't even paid attention at what was going in the room ,only thing he saw was Lisa's sexy neck and collarbone. He literally had to control himself from jumping on Lisa when she had changed into her silky Pj's which consisted of black booty shorts and a black  top which was a little shorter at her stomach area but not exactly crop and backless while it was only held on the knots that were tied on both of her shoulder. Taehyung wanted nothing else but to lean on onto her shoulder to suck and bite her,over her neck and that sexy mole on her neck (that he always found himself kissing) well so he did. Lisa was actually shocked at first but then soon she was a whimpering mess as Tae hovered over her. The look he was giving her was so intense she was sure she would have melt if he had held  her gaze but luckily or rather unluckily he didn't because he was too busy decorating her skin.

Lisa had tipped her head a little towards sideways giving Taehyung more access to her neck. Tae had soon made his way down from her jaw to her neck trailing soft wet kisses along the way till he stopped at the curve of her breast sliding his cold hand inside her top stopping right on her left breast giving it a squeeze he was actually not surprised when she wasn't wearing anything underneath as Taehyung had known it right away when she had stepped into room after changing not that he was a pervert but he just knew by looking at her. He had leaned down to kiss her on lips,bruisingly while he pinched her nipples between his thumb and index finger and rubbed it. He just couldn't get enough of her so he removed his hands from her top to which Lisa whined into his mouth for the loss of his touch while Taehyung just undid the knots of her top. He broke the kiss and then removed her top and leaned down to suck on her nipple while Lisa just moaned at the warm and wet sensation. While his other hand played with her neglected nipple. Tae soon gave the same treatment to the other one.

Soon he was on his knees trapping Lisa with each knees on her side. He lowered her silky short to be greeted by lacy pastel pantie which was hugging her waist. He groaned at the arousing sight while Lisa was trying to close her legs as she was now red from  the embarrassment which was of course of no use as Taehyung had grabbed her thighs placing his  hands underneath her knees and opening them again

"Princess you should know better than to hide yourself from me" He growled.

Taehyung soon removed her last piece of clothing and started staring at her as if she was his prey to be feed on. Lisa hadn't stopped squirming so Tae had to tightly grip on her waist which she was sure would leave marks on the skin as his fingers were literally digging into her soft skin.

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