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Last week was disastrous. After that incident I quite often started thinking about him again. It was so hard to stop thinking about him just as I had successfully stopped thinking about him but then he had to appear from nowhere and mess up again. And I still haven't told anyone.

It was hard to pretend that i was okay though because I would still feel his lips lingering on my skin and I was so sensitive to touches. The  whole day which earned me weird stares by my members and an earful from our choreographer for getting distracted.

Today I am feeling quite energetic well I couldn't help coz I am gonna get some good ass gifts from BamBam as that bitch had lost during our last bet. And he even promised us Thai girls to give party at one of the most prestigious private hotel.

BamBam had picked up the girls on the way to my dorm and came to pick me up. Well I was quite happy as hangout clearly kept my mind sane and it helped me work even harder.

The great BamBam had gifted all of us girls an appointment at spa and even let us get our nails done. I love getting nails done but the joy of getting them done by my friends money was something I enjoy the most. Well everyone loves free treats and the free food tastes better for me.

Feeling refreshed and relaxed we had decided to go to hotel so we could fill our stomach. I had decided to do a short trip to restroom. While I  washing my hands a girl had emerged from one of the stall. I noticed she was staring at me while I applied my lipstick. Well I guess she just recognised me, it still felt odd to get recognised so I hurriedly closed the zipper of my bagpack. Making beeline for the exit I saw her awestruck gaze when she looked at me so I smiled to her, well she was totally adorable and I could tell she was from a wealthy  family by her outfit.

The meal was of course the best. We hogged on the food as if we were starving for days ignoring the pleas of BamBam to not order more food. Well it's fun teasing him but we knew he was just playing along to make us laugh at him.

While we waited for BamBam to pay the bill the girls had excused themselves to restroom and I was struck in passage of VIP room. I had noticed a family sitting in the room having dinner. The glasses were soundproof so I couldn't hear anything. I saw the girl from earlier getting up from her seat to hug a man, well the man was quite tall. I didn't wanted to pry in someone's private matter but I couldn't help but look at the couple as the guy was wearing a jacket which had 'Loved' printed on its back and the guys back seemed quite familiar. I just turned my gaze the other way because I had already kind off breached their privacy so I felt guilty.

The girls soon joined me after their business and we were waiting at the valet for the car because apparently they had misplaced keys. As we were standing on our own we heard loud chatting and laughing. 'Congratulations' was all that was clearly heard. And soon the family from earlier emerged well they wouldn't recognise us as we all had our masks and caps on with glasses. It was quite difficult to even get a glimpse of our faces.

All of a sudden they started cheering and when I turned to look to at them I saw the girl from earlier kissing the same man. I guess they had just got engaged as I could make it from some of their excited sentences and when they parted I got a glimpse of the man I had never expected, Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung surely likes to appear in my life out of nowhere.

Before I knew my eyes started to water and my heart  started beating painfully while looking at his arms wrapped around her waist while kissing her temple. I quickly looked away before I got caught staring at them. When the van pulled over I was the first one who hurried inside.  Minnie noticed my sudden change of mood during the journey questioning me about it all I could manage was a weak smile with a short 'I am tired'.

I hate night times the most because it was the only time I had all to myself while everyone were in their room. I hated it because I had get all these stressful thoughts when I am free and my phone rarely helped to relieve the  stress. I hate laying wide awake at the wee hours of the night thinking about the most painful memories which eventually made me cry to sleep and today was no different.

All I could remember was him, him and him. It was like he was the centre of my universe and even though I tried to avoid him he had claim the spot again and again without considering my feelings.

And of course he had move on from me. How can I even expect for him to be still loving me while he was not obligated to wait for me. He  had every right to date anyone and get engaged to anyone as we had broken up. But does he has no conscience cheating on his fiancé with me. If I had known he was seeing other girl I swear wouldn't had let him touch me.

God why am I so pathetic crying over the same boy who I have broken up with. I feel angry. Angry with myself because even though he had angrily touched me but I still had enjoyed his touches. I feel ashamed even now to not deny that I liked his touches and him.

All of sudden I feel quite enraged at him for treating me like a piece of trash when he is the one who is with girl and for messing with me and claiming me as his. I don't know what does he wants or expects from me but all I know is the next time I meet him I will make sure I wouldn't let him smart up with me and boss me around and I will make sure to be cracking his bones if he even touches a single hair of me. I ain't gonna be someone's side bitch and I swear it I would make sure that.

Either he is mine or that pretty girl's cuz there is no in between.


Omg I just hit 50k and I can't believe this like at the starting of this book I was so excited for the 50 reads and now the same book hits 50k.

Thank you guys I am so grateful to y'all. Thank you for loving and reading my book.

Well this book is almost coming to end like after 5-10 chapters. So thank you for everything.

Love y'all - V
*edited: it's 90k+ now and after this update the new chapters will be posted.

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