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Lisa had finally decided that she should tell her members about her relationship. She was scared, really scared and nervous as hell but when she had finally told them they were shocked because Lisa never showed any feelings for boys or even glanced at them but when she explained them everything they finally believed her, but they had warned her about the ban and Lisa had assured them that she wouldn't get caught and  would keep it pg.

They had asked her to introduce him personally so they could decide whether he is good for her or not because they are really protective of their maknae who has no experience with guy and she might get played by some player(idol with fuckboi rep).

Blackpink were earlier called by Yg to inform them that they were going to  attend an opening of resort and they were going to perform.

The girls were really pumped up because it had been a long time they had seen Blinks so it would be refreshing.

Lisa had texted Tae telling him that she would be busy for 2 days and she isn't sure if she could message in between her practice to which he was sulky but reluctantly agreed.

The girls arrived at the resort not knowing how many other groups were going to perform. The resort was owned by one of the most influential person in Korea and the most hottest idol groups were set to perform. But ofc Bp members were clueless about this as they had to prepare in such a short notice.

When they arrived at the party they were shocked to see many other idols but they kept their expression neutral showing no facial reaction.

Lisa had checked the venue to see if Bts was there or not but they weren't she felt a little disappointed but she knew they probably wouldn't come.

Bp had finished their performance and where now heading to their dressing room for a re-touchup of their make-up.

Lisa had finished the first so she left the room as she got a message from Taeyong asking her to meet at the staircase near the backdoor. Lisa and Taeyong had a little chat as it was time for NCT to perform so she bid him a goodbye with a brief hug.

And while Lisa was busy talking to Taeyong she didn't notice that Taehyung had seen their little interaction which had turned off his good mood and had made him now pissed. Bts was actually invited to the event, it was just that they were last to perform so they had arrived late.

Lisa was just walking away as Taeyong had left her minutes earlier but she waited just so to avoid any rumors about him and her possible when she was pulled into a dark unknown room which was away from staff and idols. She just prayed it wasn't any Sasaeng because there was no way anyone could hear her if she had scream.

The room was no longer darker as her abductor(the way she preferred addressing this person)  switched on the light and when the person released the hand which was on her mouth and clutched on her arm tightly she was scared but she decided to gather the courage and to look at the person but when she saw Taehyung she was about to complain him to make her so scared but the expression on his face stopped her because Taehyung was glaring at her with cold eyes and his mouth was pressed in hard thin line. His face totally screamed pissed off and Lisa was actually confused as to why was he angry.

"I see you're enjoying your time chatting with guys behind my back" Taehyung spoke with venom in his words.

"W-what?" Lisa asked totally confused

"Taeyong, do you like his touches more than my?" He asked staring hardly into her eyes.

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