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Taehyung had a busy day and all he wanted to do was have a goodnight sleep then he remembered that Lisa had earlier asked him out to hang out but he had to decline her as he had his schedule packed. Thinking about it made him feel guilty but he couldn't help it as his work was important so he just planned to send a goodnight message to her even though he knew she probably would be asleep by now.

As he opened the Instagram app he just directly went to his Dm and messaged her a cute Goodnight wishes. Just as he was going place his phone on the stand he thought to just go through his Instagram feeds and to his surprise Lisa had posted that day.

WiFi network sucked was all he could say so he just placed the phone thinking that he would check it out tomorrow morning. Without any worries he slept dreaming of him and Lisa going on cute date.

Next morning he had his day off and as he was really tired performing all day n night he thought to just relax on his beloved bed. He had just clicked on the IG app as he recalled Lisa had posted something but he couldn't check it out. He happily scrolled down to find Lisa adorably posing without giving away her identity. He read the caption but the Taeyong part irked him as he saw the comments on Lisa's post and Taeyong's post for sure had made Taehyung go mad.

He didn't liked the way he flirted with his baby girl . Lisa was his and no one else was supposed to touch her, flirt with her or click pictures of her without his permission.

Call him an asshole for behaving this way but he couldn't help but feel protective and possessive when it came to Lisa. He was never the one who would get jealous easily but Lisa was something else. When it came to her he always felt Territorial seeing her with other guys.

And right now Tae was pissed,Damn pissed, if you ask.

Taehyung could swear he would just kill the Taeyong guy once he met him for flirting with his girl.

Taehyung was not in a mood to hangout with anyone so he just plainly shut them off and locked himself in his room.

His members were worried and Jimin knew this had something to do with Lisa so he just contacted her and asked her to visit their dorm.

Lisa didn't knew what was the matter so she just simply excused herself from her friends which was damn difficult as everyone had emotionally blackmailed her but Lisa was never the person who gives up easily and finally she had persuaded them for their girls date on other day. She hurried to Bts dorm and had informed Jimin that she would arrive a little late. But none the less Lisa had arrived their dorm. She had practically begged Jimin that she wouldn't enter the dorm because of the other members as she didn't want to meet them this way so when she entered the dorm no one was seen except for him.

He guided her to Taehyung's room and left her without saying anything She was confused as to why he had called her but she shrugged it happy to meet Taehyung she knocked on his door which was again ignored after the 4th try so she decided to open the door as he might be sleeping. As for Taehyung he was annoyed by the knocks so he decided to ignore the person and leave by themselves because of no response. He was lying on his bed when the door to his room opened his initial reaction was to scream and throw tantrum but he just lied there on his stomach not paying much attention.

Lisa entered the room taking shy small steps towards his bed where he was lying. She thought he was sleeping so she gently shook him but no reaction so she called him


The moment when Taehyung heard the voice he flipped instantly throwing Lisa off guard. His eyes widened in realization that she was in his room, his eyes softened seeing her cute startled reaction but then hardened and glared at her as he remembered the post.

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