Chapter 1

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The quiet boy from the back of the classroom had managed to get into a club full of his fellow students. The music was blaring, and the entire building smelt of alcohol mixed with body odour. The boy looked out at the dance floor to see his two best friends dancing together and having a lot of fun. Jimin and Taehyung had dragged him out to this club for an end-of-school-term celebration. The whole school was invited. Jungkook was persuaded by his friends to come and enjoy himself since school was now over for a few weeks for the winter holiday.

Jungkook was sat on the side lines as he watched Taehyung and Jimin dance together like the couple they are. He had to admit, they were really cute together, but he couldn't help but feel kind of left out since they were his only friends and he was stuck sitting on his own drinking his drink while holding the others as well while they are going around making friends, and dancing to their hearts content. They had asked him to come and dance, but he refused because he knew he would get left out as the third wheeler on the dance floor. He would look like a total loser.

Not to mention, Jungkook felt extremely uncomfortable in his outfit too. He was in a black and red jumper with small rips in it. He had black skinny jeans on with black sneakers to match. His hair was styled in a way that let his forehead be slightly visible on one side and had one silver hoop earring in his right ear and three black stud earrings in his left ear. He wasn't used to looking like this. He felt very exposed. He would normally wear something a bit less revealing. He felt it showed to much of his body while clothed.

The two boys from the dance floor came over hot and sweaty to grab their drinks from Jungkook.

"Hey, Jungkookie you sure you don't wanna come dance with us?" Jimin said before taking a gulp of beer.

"Yeah, you'd be really good out there." Taehyung continued.

"No Hyung. I really am not in the mood to dance. I think I'll go get some fresh air. It's really stuffy in here." Jungkook said before standing up and making his way towards the exit with his glass of beer. He was beginning to get a headache and needed to sooth it with the fresh air and the silence.

Once outside, Jungkook leaned against a nearby wall closing his eyes. He could finally relax a bit. No load music. No stuffy, claustrophobic area. No toxic smells. No one nagging at him to dance. It was just him and his thoughts. Now he had time to think he really didn't understand why he agreed to come here. He was uncomfortable in those kinds of surroundings. He hated crowded spaces and, yet he still came. He did it to make his friends happy. He didn't want to disappoint them by bailing out like he always did so he just came for them. At least they were enjoying themselves.

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