Chapter 26

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Junki POV:

It was time. It has been around three days since I took Jungkook. Yoongi hasn't seemed to notice either which is good for my plan.

The plan, may I say is set out that my dear brother has to choose between either the once love of his life or the new friend he has lost. This is going to be so fun.

Yoongi POV:

It's been three days of staring at a screen with the love of my life from the past on it and nothing happening. Nothing. Not one thing. All it is, is Namjoon sitting next to a wall which his hands are shackled to. The screen goes off every so often but that is probably because he needs to have blood. As its live footage I'm guessing he is a vampire like me and needs blood to survive. Obviously.

While in my own little world there was a knock at the door. I went to go answer it again. I've never been this popular. Whats going on?

I opened the door to see a masked man. He handed me an envelope. From first impression of the man and the gift I figured it was one of my brothers men. I looked up to say something, but the guy was gone. Oh well.

I went to the living room to open the envelope. To my surprise there was an address on the card that was in the paper package. It also included a date and time and my brothers name along with what I am guessing is the name of the clan.


The card said to meet in two days time from now at midnight. I guess I'm seeing my brother again. I wonder what this is about.

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