Chapter 27

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Jungkook POV:

Torture. For the past five days I have been going through torture. I've been sat alone in a cell, minimal food and water, I've seen no daylight. Oh, and I have been used as a human punch bag. More than once.

Right now, I'm huddled in the corner of this cell crying my eyes out. my parents have gone away for the month on a business trip and won't be back for a few weeks. Also, I told my friends I wanted to be alone and they know I'm a stubborn bitch and will stop at nothing to get my way. Although right now I'm really wishing they didn't listen to me.

No one knows where I am. In fact, they probably think I'm safe and sound at home. Not even Yoongi-Hyung knows I've been kidnapped. This whole thing is based around him.

"Hey little boy. You ready for your big show?" I was cowering under this man. He had caused me so much pain physically.

"Get up brat. Or do you want another beating. Hm." I quickly stood up with little help from him pulling at the shackles around my wrists. I winced at the pain. The cuffs had chafed my wrists so much that they left open blisters to form.

The guy who's name I had learnt to be Hoseok or Hobi for short was dragging me out of the cell door to god knows where.

We entered this grand looking hall which had seemed to have taken a beating from nature over the years. I saw Junki sitting on a large throne-type thing acting like he owns this place.

"Jungkook. How are you. Don't bother answering, I don't care. All I care about is getting my revenge on my dear brother. That's why I brought you here. You are one of the pieces of the plan. The other is my fellow vampire, Namjoon. I'm sure you have briefly met. Anyway, lets get a move on to the destination shall we." We were once again moving to a new destination. Where to this time. Im' scared. Someone help me.

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