Chapter 11

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It had been a few months since Yoongi and Jungkook began seeing each other. They were at each others house almost every weekend. They would religiously text, call, meet up, everything in the book of staying in contact. Jungkook had gotten to know his way round Yoongis house as if it were second nature to him.

Jungkook was going to stay at Yoongi's again on the weekend. Jungkook was off school again for spring break so he was going to stay for an extra one or two days to spend more time with his new friend.

Yoongi had properly stocked up this time. Jungkook was a big eater. He didn't want the same incident to happen last time. Jungkook had tried to drink some of Yoongis bottled drinks in the fridge. Luckily Yoongi had stopped him before he could take a sip. He had food and drink that would probably last him the next two months if he lived on his own, which he does, it's just Jungkook is over so much he may as well live there too.

It had gotten to the point that Jungkook had claimed a bedroom for himself whenever he stayed round. He had clothes and shoes in the wardrobe and semi-decorated the walls with pictures and other stuff he liked. Yoongi didn't care. He liked having Jungkook around.

It was now around 11:00pm. The boys were snuggled on the sofa under a blanket watching a film. This was a thing they did whenever they spent the night together.

"Hey Yoongi-Hyung, I love being here at your house. It's so peaceful."

"Yeah, it's nice here. Go to sleep Jungkookie." Yoongi was pushing Jungkook to get to sleep so he could have a drink. He was craving it really desperately. He needed it. It was a drug to him. he couldn't live without it. Quite literally.

Soon Jungkook had fallen into a deep sleep and Yoongi had carried him upstairs to sleep in his claimed bed. Once seeing he was comfortable, Yoongi raced down to the fridge to get his beverage. Opening the lid of the plastic bottle, he downed the contents inside. He was still thirsty. He couldn't control it. He looked into every bottle. Empty. He had to get more. Now.

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