Chapter 2

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After taking two paracetamol tablets with beer, Jungkook began to poor the remaining contents, which was mostly all of it, on the path next to him. He didn't want to drink the alcohol. He had told both Jimin and Taehyung that, but they didn't listen. They bought him a drink anyway.

"Thats a waste you know." The voice startled Jungkook that he almost dropped the glass.

"W-whos there?" there was no answer to Jungkooks question. He was freaking out a bit.

"Don't worry kid. I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice spoke again. Jungkook looked left and right and centre but he saw no one.

Jungkook POV:

Suddenly, a man dressed all fancy appeared in front of me a few metres away. He had black hair and sickly pale skin. He wore black leather looking trousers with smart shoes. He had a black shirt with a ribbon at his neck tied in a bow and on top was a sparky sequin blazer. He looked like he was going to a party to impress. It was something I would imagine a rich man would wear to a club. Unlike a teenage amateur like myself. The guy looked stunning whereas I looked worn out and tired. I was staring a bit too long.

The strange man began to walk closer to me. I tried to back away. Unfortunately, I didn't have superpowers that enabled me to move a brick wall with my mind. My back hit the wall, but he continued to move closer. Before I knew it, he was standing right in front of me. I was very afraid.
"You afraid little boy?" he said. Did he read my mind? He inched closer. I closed my eyes tight not knowing what he was going to do. Suddenly the beer glass was pulled from my hand. I opened one eye to see he had the glass in his hand. I relaxed a bit but still had my guard up.

"You know you really shouldn't be drinking this kid. Its not only bad for you but I can tell your underage." The man said. His eyes didn't stop eyeing me up like I was his prey. Whats going to happen to me.
"You smell so sweet," The man spoke again with a deep, menacing voice, "like vanilla. Anyway, I will take my leave now. Make sure you and your friends get home safe. It's getting late. Don't want some strange man coming and snatching you up do we." His sinister voice was ringing through my ears and he strolled off into the empty darkness.

I was left alone. I hope. Taking a deep breath to ease my trembling hands. Jimin and Taehyung came stumbling out of the side door of the club. The one I came from.

"Hey. Kookie we found you." Jimin slurred out obviously even more intoxicated than he was when they previously spoke.

"Guys, I think its time we all went home." I said kind of hoping they would agree. They pouted at me then we began to walk home. Them hand in hand and I left on the side lines again.

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