Chapter 12

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Yoongi POV:

I couldn't hold it anymore. I wasn't in my right mind. Jungkook needs to get away from me. Now. I ran up to his room and burst through the door. He slowly woke up rubbing his eyes.

"What is it Yoongi-Hyung? What happened?"

"Don't worry Jungkook. Everything will be fine." I heard the sound of my voice. I sounded dangerous. Was my addiction that controlling. Why can"t I control it?

I walked up to the foot of the bed.

"Hyung?... are you okay?" he asked with great concern I couldn't find any words. I gripped the frame of Jungkooks bed tightly. He slowly got untangled out of his sheets and stood up. He walked closer to me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Hyung?..." he was asking for a response.

"Get away from me Jungkook." My voice was barely audible. I doubt he heard me.

"What Hyung? I didnt hear what you said." His sent was driving my body crazy. Right now, its taking an immense amount of strength to stop my body completing its mission.

Jungkook went to grab my hand but I was too quick. I grabbed his wrists and pinned him against the wall. His arms were stuck by his side from me holding them there. He looked so scared. Frozen from fear. However, all I could see was red. My cravings had taken control.

"H-Hyung?" he could barely speak. He seemed really afraid.

I inhaled the scent of vanilla radiating off of the young boy cowering before me. I released one of his arms and pulled his head over to one side. He was paralyzed. I moved my head closer to his exposed neck. The smell of his sweet skin was driving me insane. He must have been terrified. His pulse was jumping in the veins of his neck.

Getting even closer I grazed my lips across his milky skin, Feeling the pulse quickening. Finding a sweet spot, I gently kissed it.

"Don"t be afraid Kookie." My voice was sinister and, yet I couldn't control it. I couldn't hold it any longer. My pearl white fangs appeared and sank into his skin. A scream erupted from his mouth. I drank and drank until there were no more screams and no more cries. Just a limp body in my arms.

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