Chapter 31 - The End

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Namjoon agreed to help Yoongi get Jungkook back and also to kill his brother. He knew the way around the hide out and he knew where Junki was keeping Jungkook.

It's been about 3 days. They are now ready. They are standing outside of the great building. They entered. Quiet as mice. They went to the prison cells. He was there. Yoongi's precious Jungkook was sitting in the corner crying his eyes out.

"H-Hyung please save me. I-I need you. I can't take this anymore. I need you Yoongi-Hyung." Jungkook's cry for help made Yoongi's heart ache. He needed to save his little bunny.

Namjoon gave Yoongi the key so he could see Jungkook. Namjoon walked off. Probably to find his love. And kill Junki.

Yoongi POV:

I unlocked the door. Jungkook didn't look at me. Instead he tried to face the wall as much as possible. I was saddened by his actions. But then again, he probably didn't know it was me.

I slowly walked and bent down beside him. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Jungkook? It's me Yoongi." Jungkook slowly turned and when he saw me his eyes widened.

"Y-Yoongi? Is it really you?"

"Yes Jungkook. It is really me." Jungkook couldn't seem to get his arms around me quick enough. He jerked forward and began crying in my shoulder. I patted his back to sooth him.

"Its okay. I'm here now. Nothing can hurt you." He was still crying but he was calmer. I pulled away from him and looked in his eyes. They were only filled with fear and pain. I couldn't hold myself any longer. Even in this state he was still irresistible. I made our lips meet and we were going in sync for what seemed like forever.


"Don't speak Jungkook. You'll ruin the moment. I love you that is all that matters. Now lets get you out of here." We stayed sat there staring at each other for another minute or so.

Soon enough I picked him up in my arms and carried him away from this evil place. When we got to the main room I saw Namjoon holding up my brothers head. He had killed him. and you know what I'm not even sorry. I hated him for taking Jungkook.

Soon me and Jungkook got to my house and were now laying on the sofa together.

"I love you Jungkook. And I will never let anything like this happen to you again. I promise."


Hey guys I was just wondering if you would give me your opinion on a book I'm working on and if I should publish it or not. leave your comments and I will be sure to see what you think about it.

A wine bottle was thrown across the room and smashed into the old, tearing, wallpapered wall right above the small boy whom was shaking from fear. A tall man stomped over to the child pulling him by the collar of his shirt to stand up. The boy cowered under the juggernaut's deathly glare. The muscular man raised his hand before striking the young child in the face hard enough to leave a visible hand print and crabbing his jaw and forcefully making him look at his detestable face.

"You made me do this boy. Now clean this mess up and go upstairs and make no noise. A friend of mine is coming over." The boy scrambled to pick up the broken glass around him before finding the dustpan and brush to clean the rest. Once done he make his way to his room and made no noise for the rest of the night so he doesn't get in trouble again. This young boy's name was Jungkook. He is 16 years old. He doesn't attend school and has never been taught how to read or write by anyone. He doesn't have any friends or family other than his father whom you just witnessed abuse the boor boy. Jungkook is very small for his age and is also very skinny due to his neglection from his father whom is an alcoholic. His father had always told him he was a mistake and was only the result of a prostitute he had acquired. He was forced to take custody of the child due to the rules of the company the young woman was from and because he was the reason Jungkook was born in the first place. His father had also told him that Jungkook will be taken away when he is at the legal age for sex. However due to his lack of knowledge about the subject, Jungkook didn't understand what this meant. It also scared him knowing that he will be taken from the only thing he knows. Although Jungkook is treated badly by his father he knows no different. He has never been exposed to the outside world and from what his father tells him, his father protects him from the people outside of the house and for that Jungkook never wants to leave this place and he never wants his father to leave him.

Tell me what you think my lovely readers.

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