Chapter 9

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Jungkook POV:

I was awoken by a bright light landing perfectly across my eyes. Squinting I looked to where it was coming from. The window. Wait. The window in my bedroom isn't that big. Where am I? I began to panic. What happened last night? After my minor panic attack, I noticed a small note on the side table.

Annyeong Jungkook,

You fell asleep last night so I put you in this spare room. I hope you dont mind the dated decor. Ive told your mom about the situation.


Is what it said. How sweet. Maybe he just didn't want to wake me up. It's not like he could of anyway. I'm quite a heavy sleeper. In all realness he probably did try but gave up when I didn't wake up. Now relaxed I could get up and not be afraid of whats to come.

I got out of the queen-sized bed and headed downstairs. Thankfully I had pretty much memorized all the passages in this maze of a house. Finally finding the kitchen I was surprised to see Yoongi sitting at the table with all the curtains closed. I went over to the window to open the curtains.

"Morning Yoongi." I was being polite.

"Oh, morning Jung- NO!" when he shouted it scared me a bit. I hadn't heard him shout before. All I was doing was opening the curtains.

"Sorry for shouting it's just there are very delicate materials in this house that are sensitive to sunlight. I do want to keep this place as dated as possible. Maybe I'm just weird but I also like the darkness as well. I've always stayed in the dark since my parents died." Yoongi said with a sad expression on his face. I didn't really understand what it was like to lose someone so close. It never happened to me.

I couldn't stop the urge I walked over and hugged him from behind.

"Its okay Yoongi-Hyung. I understand." Although it was a bit of a lie I didn't care. Yoongi was upset and I wanted to help him be happy again. Even though I've known him for less than a week I feel like I've known him forever. I'll do anything to keep him happy.

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