Chapter 10

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Yoongi POV:

I can't blame him. he didn't know. I feel so guilty. What do I do? How do I make it up to him? I'm not a very social person anyway. And I'd rather not go out at this time in the morning. Darkness is my thing and I enjoy being alone. However, saying that being alone 24/7 isn't very fun. At least when my family were here I had someone to talk to.

It's been around three hours since the incident with the curtains. We happily forgave each other and spent more time talking about random stuff. We also played video games. I wasn't really into it at first but after a while my competitive side came out. it was now around 11:00am. Jungkook was ready to go home. He didn't want to get in trouble by his mom.

We were standing at my front door while having a small conversation before his mom picked him up. I heard a car beeping in the distance and figured it was Jungkook's mom.

"You should go now. Your mom is getting impatient." I was stating the obvious, but I didn't care. Jungkook pouted.

"We should hang out again Yoongi-Hyung." He seemed very eager to hang out again. I was definitely up for that. The car beeped again more aggressively.

"Okay eomma I'm coming. Bye Yoongi-Hyung." He waved to me and ran to the car.

Once I got back in my house and closed the door I leaned back on it and sighed. My gosh hanging out with a teenager is hard work. I need to sleep.

Jungkook POV:

"How was your stay there Jungkookie?" my eomma asked with enthusiasm.

"It was great eomma. He gave me a tour of his house, its bigger than the school I swear. Then we watched a movie, I was kinda scary, but I wasn't afraid. I fell asleep before it finished but Yoongi-Hyung didn't make me sleep on the sofa, he took me to one of his many spare bedrooms. When I woke up we ate breakfast and played video games 'till you picked me up." I heard myself sounding really excited. I didn't feel it necessary to mention the incident over the curtain. My eomma nodded in understanding.

"It sounds like you had a lovely time. Maybe you should see each other again."

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