Chapter 24

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Yoongi POV:

I was still sat staring at the screen. As if something was actually going to happen. I'm tired of his games. What does my brother want? A medal? After 200 years he found me. I thought he was dead.

I heard a knock at the door. Making my way down the hall I was wondering who it was. It was quite late. Maybe it was Jungkook. Hopefully. I need to see him right now.

Unlocking the door, I saw someone who I would never have expected to see. Kim Seokjin. The guy Namjoon left me for. The urge to punch the bastard was almost taking over me.

BOOM! I did it. Square in the jaw. A good punch if I do say so myself.

"What the hell was that for?" he half shouted.

"You know what that was for arsehole." I stood at the door waiting to hear what he wanted.

"Min Yoongi. Your brother has something that belongs to you. Something very precious. However, he is going to make you choose."

"What is it? What am I choosing between?"

"You will find out soon. Just wait."

What is going on. Everything precious to me is in this house. What could he be talking about? The only thing that I can think about is my mothers wedding ring which is still on the finger of her corpse buried deep in the ground in the back garden. Whatever it is I have to get it back though.

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