Chapter 21

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Namjoon POV:

What is with all this bag over head malarkey. I've been with these guys for ages. They are my family. Wait oh yeah, they are using me as bate to get Yoongi in our clan.

Why me? Why doesn't our leader just go up to his brother and talk to him face on. Oh, I remember. He wants to show him what it is like to lose everything before his eyes.

I hope you are noting the sarcasm. My life has been so uneventful since I fell into this clan. All it is is revenge revenge revenge with Junki. And now I am stuck in a dungeon, chained to the wall with a camera on me so Yoongi can see the so-called pain I am in. I can't even take a break. I have to pretend until Yoongi breaks. Which I think is very unlikely.

It was about 200 years ago when I first found Yoongi. He was sat in a corner down an alley way crying. Obviously being me, I was curious. I went up to him and I stayed with him. I told him I was a vampire and he told me everything he did. You know like killing his family.

Anyway, I helped him control his blood lust and we became lovers. It went on for about 3 years, and believe me, 3 years is not a very long time for a vampire.

I had an affair with him and my current boyfriend Seokjin. I guess I just wasnt feeling it for Yoongi anymore. Anyway, we argued and ended up breaking it off. About a week later Seokjin and I were found by Yoongi's brother and here we are today. I guess karma is a bitch. I have to face Yoongi again, after all I did. I'm afraid of what will happen.

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