Chapter 5

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Yoongi POV:

After a good few hours sleep I had woken up somewhat refreshed. Since I fell asleep late afternoon it was now dark outside. I was thirsty for something, so I decided to go to some sort of coffee place. It would probably be virtually empty at this time anyway which I liked. I grabbed a coat and off I went.

Jungkook POV:

Ive been sat here for hours. I thought getting out of the house would be a good thing. Fresh air. Socialising. But no. here I am sitting at a table meant for two drinking my fourth strawberry milkshake inside this drinks place. So much for that idea. My eomma got home before I left and, so I asked her if I could go out. obviously, she said yes otherwise I would still be at home thinking of that guy. That was the sole reason I left the house in the first place. To get my mind off him but Im thinking of him again.

Autor's POV:

The bell for the small café rang as Yoongi entered the building. He walked over to order what he wanted. He had bought himself a simple coffee which just happened to be extremely expensive. Turning around he looked for a table to sit at when he spotted a certain someone sitting on their own in the corner of the café. Staring for a few seconds he began to make his way over to semi-stranger.

"Hey kid." Yoongi said. The boy was so startled he almost knocked his drink over. "may I sit with you? Or are you expecting someone?" Yoongi was hoping the boy wasn't waiting for anyone.

"uhum." Yoongi took this as a yes and helped himself to a seat next to the boy in front of him. the boy on the other hand was very flustered by the whole situation.

"What is your name kid?" Yoongi asked as he gave his whole attention to the boy. Yoongi with his attention on him made the situation feel very uncomfortable for him.

"Um Jungkook sir. Jeon Jungkook." he was hesitant in giving his name, but he also didn't want to be rude.

"I'm Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you again." Yoongi said. Emphasising the last word. They shook hands and tried to begin a conversation. Even if it was one sided.

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