Chapter 30

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Jungkook POV:

I think its been about 24 hours since they took me away from Yoongi. I am already in hell. I've been used as a punchbag. I've been made to do things I didn't want to. The thought of it makes me feel nauseous.

Oh and I've been raped at least 3 times. And now I'm being used as a personal blood bank. There are 3 guys drinking from me. One at my neck and one at each of my wrists.

My vision was becoming blurry as my body was slowly drifting into unconsciousness. The stinging sensation in on my flesh was slowly becoming pleasurable as I know my nerves will no longer feel the attack they are under once I am asleep.

The guys were finishing their feed and I was slipping into an unconscious state. At least now I can forget where I am.

Namjoons POV:

Yoongi was pacing. It was irritating me.

"Yoongi." no answer.

"Yoongi." still no answer. I walked over to him.


"WHAT!" he shouted back at me.

"Why are you so worked up over this kid? Hes a nobody."

"Don't say that Namjoon."

"Don't say what? That he is a useless piece of shit who doesn't even know how to protect himself. Huh."

"SHUT UP! That boy, all have you know, is very valuable to me. He talked to me when no one else did. he hung out with me. He stayed overnight all the time. We became so close. He. he saved me Namjoon. From my depression. I love that. I love that he took the time and effort for someone not worth it. That is one of his best qualities. I love it. For fuck sake Namjoon." My eyes were wide. I didn't expect that.

"I have to save him. because...

I love him."

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