Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV:

Still trying to understand the now revealed reality, I laid back down on the bed going over my options. Do I run away? That was a stupid idea. One, I couldn't escape anyway since my leg was attached to the bed. Two, I couldn't leave Yoongi-Hyung on his own. He was as isolated as it is. Living at least a mile away to the nearest neighbourhood, he has no one within walking distance to talk to. He was all alone. I couldn't let him be like this. I needed to be with him. make him feel like he is needed.

Just as that thought left my mind, Yoongi-Hyung walked in the room with his head hung low. He was holding a tray with something on it. I couldnt see though. He hadn't noticed I was awake, so I pretended to be asleep to see what he would do.

He came over to the side table by the bed, placing the tray on top of it. He took some sort of key that was already on the side which I hadn't noticed before. He pulled away the covers near my chained ankle.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie. I shouldn't have stooped this low. And for what? Because I was afraid of what you could do to me. You have near to complete power over me. I was scared. I'm sorry again." He said in such a sad tone. He was about to walk away.

"Hyung." My voice was quiet, but you could still hear it. Yoongi-Hyung turned to me with wide eyes. He ran to me and held my shoulders as if he didn't believe what was happening.

"Hyung?" just as I said that he broke down into tears.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean it. I didnt mean to hurt you like that. How can I make it up to you? I'll do anything." He said that so quickly and through his sobs and hiccups. I didn't know what to do. A grown man was crying in front of me. I did what my mind was telling me to. I pulled his body closer to mine until he was resting on my chest.

"It's okay Yoongi-Hyung. It's not your fault. I don't blame you for anything." I said honestly.

"J-jinjja? You don't?" I shook my head as a response.

"Gamsahamnida. Gamsahamnida Jungkook-ah." We stayed like that for the next few hours.

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