Chapter 23

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Yoongi POV:

I was staring at the screen still trying to understand what is happening. Is this some kind of set up? Are people trying to mess with me? Is my brother actually alive? If so did he kidnap Namjoon to get back at me? So many questions were going through my head that I could feel a headache coming on.

I don't know whats happening. For the past 200 years I have believed my brother Junki was dead like my parents. I also believed that Namjoon fled the country since I was so angry at him. he sent me a letter and everything. Whats going on? I need an explanation.

Namjoon POV:

I was still locked in this bloody dungeon. Both in a metaphorical and literal way. My hands were tied, and I couldn't reach my blood bank. The camera was turned off and some guy came in to give me a decent amount of blood.

Humming in satisfaction as the blood ran down my neck the guy began to speak.

"So are you okay?" what a stupid question of course I'm not.

"What do you think?" I was being so blunt, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't in the mood for his crap. Soon enough he left me in peace when the camera was back on.

Jungkook POV:

The guy sat in front of me. I was still crying.

"Hush. We need to talk." He began talking. I was too scared to object so I just sat quietly and listened.

"You probably dont understand why you're here right? Well you're here for many reasons. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Min Junki. Yoongi's brother." My eyes widen while he gives off a sinister smile.

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