Chapter 28

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Yoongi POV:

I have arrived at the destination. The place is deserted. There's nothing here. I park my car and get out heading to the building. I wonder why he made me meet him here.

Oh wait. Hes a psycho. He sent me a tablet with live footage of my forgotten ex-boyfriend in a cell. If he had the chance my brother would probably send me Namjoons head on a stick. I shouldn't complain though. He probably hates me. I mean, I was the one that turned him into a vampire.

I went into the building with caution. I didn't want to be jumped on or anything. Much like the outside the inside also looked abandoned. What do you expect huh? I just kept walking.


Jungkook POV:

"Get out you piece of shit." I swiftly did as he said. They dragged me and this other guy to a large room. Once in the centre, the man holding my collar threw me on the floor along with the other unfazed looking man.

The man who threw us walked away to their leader for a supposed group discussion.

"Hey." The guy suddenly said.

"Um h-hi." Damn my inability to be confident.

"No need to be afraid kid. I'm Namjoon. What about you?"

"M-my name is J-Jungkook. Um n-nice to meet you?" I didn't really know how to respond to him. obviously.

He was looking at me. I could feel it.

"W-what are you S-staring at?" I asked him not really wanting to know the reason.

"Oh nothing. I just thought Yoongi was into more, how do I say this, manly guys. Not babies. I've heard you sobbing your eyes out in the cells. That does no good in these situations, you know that right?" the statement hurt me a bit, but I was too scared to react. All I could do was lightly shrug my shoulders.

Someone came up to us and started re-tying our wrists behind our backs. Suddenly a gag was pulled into my mouth. I panicked and gasped. The pain was horrendous. Not only from the cloth rubbing against the sides of my mouth but also from my chafed wrists and my scraped knees. A few tears fell down. I didn't know what was happening and it was freaking me out. I couldn't help but cry. Again.

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