Chapter 25

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Jungkook POV:

I was facing the man that claimed to be Yoongis brother. My crying had died down and now I was being interrogated.

"Did you or did you not spend time with Yoongi in the past month." The question wasn't personal I just didn't want to answer.

"Will you just answer the damn question. It would make it a lot easier on my behalf and a lot less painful on yours." The statement scared me a bit, but I still didn't say anything. Then the guy nodded, and another guy came in front of me.

I was knocked back by a hard punch to the jaw. I whimpered a bit from the pain. I knew a bruise was coming on.

"Answer the question kid." I was scared I was going to get hit again so I answered.

"Y-yes sir. I have."

"Good boy Jungkook." He patted my head like a dog. It was kind of pissing me off that he was treating me like a little kid who done something bad and said sorry. I didn't act up though because my punishment wouldn't be sitting in the naughty step. It would probably be another punch in the face.

"Does he care for you? My brother that is." I looked to Junki with scared eyes. I had no real idea whether Yoongi cared for me or not. Maybe I was just a meaningless distraction from lifes problems. Or the problems of a vampire.

"I-I don't know sir. We were close but maybe I was just a distraction. No real feelings for care came from him during our time together." Okay that was a little white lie. But I didn't lie about the not knowing part.

"Okay. Fair enough. Your free to go." Two guys came over and began to untie the ropes around my wrists and ankles. He was really letting me go? If I knew it was that easy to get away I would have answered his questions with no hesitation. Until...

"You are free to go to one of our free cells that is. Good night Jungkook."

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