Chapter 29

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Yoongi reached a door with two guards standing either side of it. The door slowly opened and Yoongi was confused. Two people kneeling on the floor with black bags covering their faces, Junki standing behind them.

"Come in my dear brother." Junki said with a sinister tone. Yoongi stepped in hesitantly. "Welcome to your trial my dongsaeng. However this goes, you will leave with a broken heart." Yoongi didn't understand what his brother was talking about.

"Yoongi. I am going to make you choose. Your long-lost boyfriend, Namjoon." When the black bag was pulled off of Namjoons head Yoongi gasped. He wasn't expecting that. Suddenly Jin who was on the side line screamed and burst into tears. Yoongi felt sympathy for him. Then Junki spoke again.

"Or you precious Jungkook." Yoongi's eyes darted to the other kneeling man. The bag was ripped from his head. Yoongi gasped. His brother wasn't lying. It was Jungkook under the bag.

His face was dirty, and he had puffy, red eyes. Probably from crying. He's been gone for how knows long and no one knew. Poor Jungkook. He was looking so sorry for himself.

Yoongi POV:

I couldn't believe it. He has taken the only people I care for. First my ex-boyfriend and now the boy that brought me out of my depression.

"So what is your decision?" he had an evil grin plastered on his face. I couldn't answer. I couldn't pick between them. All I could do was shake my head.

"Well then I will decide for you. Hoseok, let Namjoon go. Bring Jungkook with us."

"NO! JUNGKOOK!" all I could do was shout. Jin and Namjoon were holding me back from saving him. Jungkook was also shouting for me.

"NO! LET ME GO! YOONGI SAVE ME! PLEASE! HYUNG!" his voice faded into the distance and I broke down to tears.

I will find you Jungkook. And I will save you.

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