Chapter 18

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It has been a week since Jungkook and Yoongi stopped talking. Yoongi was drinking a lot. He had distanced himself from any social activity. All he did all day was mainly stay in the room Jungkook once used.

Jungkook became very depressed. He avoided his friends during and after school. He turned almost antisocial. Much like Yoongi, he never went outside of his front door unless he had to.

It was a Saturday morning and Jungkook was persuaded by his friends to come and hang out at the park. He wasn't in the mood like most days, but he put in a bit of effort to look presentable for the publics eyes.

He wore black tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt with a grey hoodie over the top. One last check in the mirror and he was off. To the park he goes to meet his friends.

??? POV:

"There he is boys. Our leverage for getting the great Min Yoongi into our clan."

Jungkook POV:

It was getting late and all I really wanted to do was go home. But like the typical teenagers my friends are they wanted to go to a club. How did I not see that coming?

"Jungkookie we're going to a club, wanna come?" Jiminie-Hyung called out.

"No guys. I think I'm just gonna go home. Sorry." After saying that I up and left. I felt kind of bad. They are really good friends to me and I've been kind of a dick lately.

I felt sorry for them. They try so hard to make me feel happy but in the moment, I can't see that, and I just stay glum and have a blank face all the time.

Anyway, I've been walking for about ten minutes now and I feel weird. It's strange. There has been a funny feeling in my gut for the past few minutes and it's been getting worse. And of course, it was now decision time. Go the long way: though the town where there is a lot of people. Or the short cut: a dark alley filled with druggies and alcoholics.

Of course, having seen horror movies, I chose the safe option. It will take about twenty minutes longer but at least today I won't get murdered or raped.

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