Chapter 20

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Yoongi POV:

I'm feeling so bored. My life has become depressing since Jungkook left. It's different from before. I never used to have anyone, so I never really felt sad. But now, I had someone, and it was my fault he's gone.

I had gone through a whole bottle of whiskey within 3 hours. However, I still felt awful. In fact, I feel even worse than before. Something in the pit of my stomach was making me feel sick. Maybe it was craving for blood which I had stopped drinking since Jungkook left. Or maybe it was some kind of inkling. All I knew really was that it isn't good.

There was a loud bang on the front door. Who could be knocking at this hour of the night. I went to go and see who it was. I looked through the peephole in the wood of the door. A man in all black was standing there seeming impatient.

I opened the door to ask the stranger what he was doing at my door step. You know. Since I never get visitors.

"Um hello?" there was no reply. The man just simply handed me an iPad and left.

Confused, I unlocked the screen. It seemed like a dungeon type room that was being filmed as I watch. Some guy suddenly comes up to the camera.

"Hello Yoongi-dongsaeng. I've been waiting a long time for this. My revenge has finally come young brother. Meet me soon. I will send you locations. In the meantime, enjoy the show." The guy said.

Brother? It can't be. I killed him. I'm sure of it. My blood brother. Min Junki is alive? My thoughts were interrupted by someone being dragged onto the screen. Who is that?

A bag was pulled off his head and I got to see his face.


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