Chapter 4

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Jungkook POV:

I was watching some Kdrama I found on tv that looked semi-interesting when my mind suddenly switch from the show to the stranger I met the night before. He was so mysterious. Why would he just come up to me and tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I was trying to remember what he said. Something like I shouldn't be drinking the beer and I'm underage? What right does he have to tell me what to do. He also said I smelled nice. At first, I thought he mean't the fragrance Jimin sprayed all over me. It was pretty strong. Then I remembered he said I smelled like vanilla. I use vanilla scented shower products but surely no one could smell that through the cologne. Does he have super smell or something.

While thinking about what he was saying about the alcohol and what I smelled like my mind switched to him talking about me getting home safe and making sure my friends get home too. How did he know I wasn't alone at the club? Was he a stalker or something? I started to panic a bit thinking he was watching me while I was at the party. After a small panic I came to the conclusion that he was just probably at the bar and was watching the dance floor. He saw me with Jimin and Taehyung and thought we were friends. He must have needed air as well, so he came out back not realising at first, I was there too.


Yoongi POV:

Strolling around my house was beginning to get boring. Soon I found myself at the door to one of my favourite rooms in the building. The music room. I walked in and sat myself at the grand piano. I began to play with the keys soon enough finding a tune that turned into one of the songs my mother had taught me to play before she died.

I played the song as if it was second nature. Like walking or talking or riding a bike. No matter how long you stop doing it as soon as you start again you don't even have to think about it. The song was coming to an end and I was ready to leave. Standing up I made my way to the exit. I was feeling thirsty. I made my way to the kitchen and went to the fridge. Opening the door and reaching in I grabbed myself a bottle containing my preferred beverage of choice. Gulping down the cold liquid left me with a satisfied stomach that will last me a few hours. Tiredness was taking over my body.

Once again strolling down the empty halls I went to my favourite room in the house. My bedroom. How I loved to just sleep all day and be completely unsociable. Thinking of it made my mood lighten as I entered the room. The peaceful atmosphere led me to my bed where I soon fell asleep with a certain someone in mind.

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