Chapter 14

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Jungkook POV:

I woke up with a bad headache. Slowly sitting up, I open my eyes to be met with the sweet view of the morning sun. the sight made me smile then I remembered my stonking headache. Groaning I made an attempt to reach for my bag which had some paracetamol in it. Unable to reach I tried to step out of the warm covers to reach. Pulling the duvet off my legs I saw my ankle attached to an old looking hand cuff.

I tugged at the chain a bit. The cuff was locked in place both on my leg and the bed frame. Was this some kind of joke? Why did Yoongi do this? Then my mind trailed back to yesterday.


Yoongi had me pinned against the wall. His face too close to mine for my liking. He pulled my head to the side. My skin was piece with something sharp and it stung like hell. The more he sucked on my skin the harsher it stung. Soon enough I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes. Then my hands and feet. Then my legs and arms. I collapsed into Yoongi's arms and everything went black. 


That really happened? He really did that? He really hurt me. And for what a drink. He has to have a reason. Why he did it. Why he chained me up.

It all made sense now. How couldn't I have seen it before. And if I had why didn't I ask. He never went out during the day. He always kept the curtains shut, like the incident last time I tried to open them.  Always crept out to the kitchen. Always freaked when I tried to go in the fridge.

He was afraid of me finding out. he must've found it so difficult to control himself around blood. He must be so afraid right now. Maybe hes scared of what I might do. Now I know that he's a vampire.

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