Chapter 17

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Jungkook was looking at the bed sheets trying to get his head around everything. Yoongi was staring intensely waiting- no hoping Jungkook would say something. The awkward silence was killing him. metaphorically speaking, you know, cause he's already technically dead.

"You killed your family." Jungkook said in a shaky voice. It was easy to tell he was afraid.

"Yes Jungkook. But I've changed now. I'm not that person anymore." Yoongi tried to get Jungkook on his side again. He was all alone for so long. Now he has found someone who he cares about and that did care about him. but he ruined it. He should have been more careful.

"Yoongi. I want to go home." Jungkook felt no need to be respectful anymore. Not only did Yoongi hurt him, but he also lied. He would have understood if he had just told Jungkook everything. But now he couldn't be trusted. Jungkook was afraid of Yoongi now. Of what he was capable of.

"Please. Jungkook. It was an accident. Please don't leave. Please." As Yoongi was pleading Jungkook was packing his stuff. Not only the stuff he brought this time around but everything he had brought and left before. When finished Jungkook was stern with his so called Hyung.

"Don't ever come near me again you filthy thing." Jungkook said that with so much venom it kind of scared Yoongi. He had never seen his dongsaeng so angry.

"Wait. Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted before the bedroom door was shut. "I'm sorry." The last part he said was merely a whisper. Tears welled up in his eyes. He cried for the rest of the night knowing he was yet again all alone.

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