To the moon and back

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A/n: I hope this will make up for the previous crappy imagine 😂 I grew up listening to Dolly Parton, and this is one of my favorite songs she's done.

You and Lindir enter your daughters room. "Are you ready for bed Taneniel?" you ask softly. Taneniel nods sleepily and rubs her eyes. Lindir smiles and pulls the covers up over her little body. You brush her light brown hair out of her eyes. Taneniel giggles as the strand of hair moved across her face.

Lindir kisses her forehead and she giggles again as his hair tickles her face. "Ada?" He chuckles and brushes his hair over her face again. "What? Does that tickle?" Taneniel bursts into a fit of giggles and scrunches her face, turning her face away from him. "Ada stop!"

"Meleth nin...." you nudge his shoulder. Lindir winks at you and stops. Taneniel yawns and closes her eyes. You kiss her forehead as Lindir strokes the top of her head. "Sing song nana?" She asked quietly.  You smile and nod.

(You) I could hold out my arms, say I love you this much.
I could tell you how long, I will long for your touch.
How much and how far, would I go to prove,
The depth and breadth of my love for you.

(You and Lindir) From here to the moon, and back.
Who else in this world, will love you like that?
Love everlasting, I promise you that.
From here to the moon and back.
From here to the moon and back.

(You) I want you to know, you can always depend,
On promised made, and love without end.
No need to wonder how faithful I'll be.
Now and on into, eternity.

(You and Lindir) From here to the moon and back,
Who else in this world, will love you like that?
Forever and always, I'll be where you're at.
From here to the moon and back.
(you) From here to the moon and back.

Lindir then pulls you up and into his arms, as Taneniel watches as he twirls you around her room, smiles on both of your lips. You smile and lay your head in the crook of his neck, as you feel his arms tighten around your waist.

(You) I would blow you a kiss, from the star where I sat.
I would call out your name to echo through the vast.
(Lindir) Thank heaven for you, and to God tip my hat.
(You) From here to the moon and back.
And I'll spend forever, just proving that fact.
From here to the moon and back.

You both turn to see that Taneniel had fallen asleep watching you both slow dance. You smile and break away from your husband for a moment. You kiss her cheek and softly finish the song.

From here to the moon and back.

"Goodnight my little moon and stars. Ada and nana love you very much." You whisper in her ear. Lindir kisses her cheek and wraps an arm around your waist as you walk out of her room.

"I love you to the moon and back, meleth nin." He whispers against your head, which was laying on his shoulder.

"I love you too."

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