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A/n: Lindir has a daughter and he falls for her tutor.

Lindir opens the door to the library, his eyes darting around the room. "Hmm, not in here." he said to himself as he left the room.

He looked in the dining hall. Nothing.

Lindir folds his arms across his chest, wondering where in Middle Earth his daughter could be. His pointed ears perked up when he heard the plucking sound of harps.

He knew exactly where the sound was coming from.

When Lindir came up to the garden, he smiled at the sight before him. You were sitting with his daughter, teaching her how to play the harp.

Ever since his wife died, Lindir had become distant; but whenever he saw you with his daughter, he felt a warmth creeping over him.

You look up when you see the Ellon standing there and smile at him. He blushes and smiles back at you, the warm feeling was back.

"All right Daelarien, I think that is enough practice for today. I will see you tomorrow for our regular school lessons." You say putting your hand on the elfling's harp. Daelarien smiles up at you and puts her harp up. "Thank you Y/n. Ada will be pleased with my progress!"

You laugh and stand up. "I'm sure your ada will be very pleased to hear the new song you learned today." Lindir walks over to where you were sitting and bows slightly.

"My lady. Was she any trouble?" He asks as he talks Daelarien's hand. You shake your head. "No, she has made excellent progress my lord."

Lindir nods, a slight blush on his cheeks. "Thank you again Y/n." You smile and give him a slight nod. "The pleasure is all mine my lord Lindir."

Daelarien waves goodbye to you as she and Lindir walk away. "Ada?" Daelarien asks as the two walked back to their quarters.

"Yes moon and stars?"

"Do you like Y/n?"

Lindir stops and looks down at his daughter. He sighs and picks her up, kissing her forehead. "I like Y/n very much."

Daelarien places her little head on his shoulder. "I like her too." Lindir chuckles. "Well I would hope you like your tutor." The Elleth lifts her head to look into her father's chocolate eyes. "Oh yes yes yes. She tells me stories about Lothlorien, and stories about her brothers, and..."

Lindir laughs and kisses her forehead. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep." She makes a face at him. "But Ada, I am not tired," she said as she yawns. Lindir shakes his head, smiling as he opens the door to their quarters.

The next day, Lindir found you sitting in the gardens, humming softly as you pluck the strings of your harp. You hear footsteps approaching which causes you to look up. Lindir blushes when he sees you smiling at him.

"Good morning my lady. I must say your harp playing is a wonderful thing to hear in the morning." He says giving a slight bow.

You blush and motion for him to sit next to you. "Thank you my lord. I hear you have a wonderful singing voice." You look down at the ground blushing am even darker red.

"Would you like to sing while I play?" You ask softly. Lindir smiles and nods.

As you pluck the strings, Lindir felt that warmth come over him completely. He hadn't felt this way in a long time, and he was determined not to let the feeling go.

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