Bedtime story/ Ride part 2

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A/n: Lindir saves the reader. He also cries. I'm sorry 😬 but he confesses his love for you so that's a good thing!

"Psst! Nana!"

You open one eye, only to be a mere few inches from the face of your son, Avorthal. You move your head back a little before sitting up. Avorthal reaches his little arms up, and snuggles into you as you wrap your arms around him.

"What is it my little warrior?"

"I miss Ada. I want Ada to come home."

You sigh and kiss the top of his brown head. "Avorthal, you know Ada will be home soon. He had to go visit your uncles in Lorien." You were of course referring to your older brothers Haldir, Rumil, and Orophin. You had stayed home to look after the children.

Avorthal sniffles and looks at you with his big e/c he had inherited from you. "I still miss him." You hold him close to your chest and stroke his shoulder length hair. "I know. I miss him too."

The two of you sit there for a few minutes. You look down at him. "Did I ever tell you about the time when your Ada and I were younger and he saved mylife?"

Avorthal looks at you with wide eyes. "No nana." You smile and begin to tell the tale....

(Flashback to ride)

You grip the sword as you see the orcs coming closer. You look up to Lindir as he pulls the bow string back. He looks down at you, waiting for you to signal him to fire.

The orcs were getting closer when you nodded your head to him. Lindir releases the arrow and it sinks into the orc's chest. The others look around wondering where the shot came from.

Just then another Orc falls to the ground, an arrow sticking up out of his chest. The head Orc spots a flash of light coming from the trees and charges towards it. Your plan had worked.

You had pointed your sword to the sun, hoping to catch the light for it to bounce off the steel.

When the orcs reach the two elves, you had plunged your sword into one Orc. Lindir jumped down from the tree, and threw a dagger at another. You grunt as a result of being pushed back against the tree. The Orc that pushed you, now held you against the tree, slowly choking you.

Lindir turns around and sees you being held by the throat against a tree. Something inside him snapped. Your hands were wrapped around the Orc's hands as you desperately tried to free yourself. Before you could do anything else, you blacked out.

Lindir takes a dagger out of his boot and stabs the Orc in the neck. Immediately, you're dropped to the ground. The Orc stumbled a few feet before falling to the ground. Dead.

Your hair was covering your face as Lindir brushed it aside to see if you were breathing. He quickly checks your pulse on your neck.

When he doesn't feel a pulse, Lindir pulls your limp body into his arms. "No no no no no....Y/n please don't leave me. You can't leave me. I love you meleth nin." He silently sobs into your soft h/c hair.

Lindir places a soft kiss on your lips, and gets ready to stand up with your body in his arms. Before he could move, your eyes snap open and you gasp for breath. Lindir sat there blinking. Your hand goes to your throat as you look around.

When your eyes fall to your best friend, you wrap your arms around him. Lindir says a silent prayer to the Valar and wraps his ar,s around you tightly.

"I thought I lost you..."

You smash your lips to his, holding him there by his collar. "So it took me dying for you to confess your feeling?" You ask smiling at him. Lindir blushes and rubs the back of his neck. "Yes."

You chuckle and kiss him again. "Let's go home..."

(End flashback)

Avorthal looks at you with wide eyes. "Ada killed those orcs?" You smile and nod. "He did indeed." He stood up on your legs before plopping down on Lindir's side of the bed.


"Yes, my warrior?"

"May I sleep in here tonight?"

You smile and kiss his forehead. "Of course." Avorthal cheers and snuggles down under the covers, inhaling his fathers scent. Before long you both were asleep.

When Lindir arrived home later that night, he opened the bedroom doors to see his wife and son lying in bed, sleeping. Your arm was wrapped around your son's waist, protectively.

Lindir smiles and changes into his sleepwear, before gently pushing Avorthal towards the middle of the bed. He kisses each of your cheeks and slides into bed himself, happy to be home with his family.

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