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A/n: requested by the fabulous Calaerdes_of_Mirwood hope you enjoy this Mellon nin. I also got the idea for the Re Ohtar (she-warrior) from the Greek lengends of the amazons.

You giggle and duck out of sight from Lindir. He looks around the courtyard, before seeing a rustling behind the bushes. Lindir creeps over to the bush before jumping behind it. He cocks his head to the side when he doesn't see anything.

You giggle again. Lindir glances up to the tree and points his finger at you. "Ha I found you!" He shouts. You shake your head, the braid that had been done by your mother, coming out.

"You have to catch me first!" You tell and jump down. Lindir laughs and takes off after you. He chases you all around Rivendell, until you finally run out of breath. "You're really fast!" He huffs, putting his hands on his knees (me in high school gym class 😂)

You giggle. "No, you're just really slow."

Lindir shakes his head. "I'm not slow!" You nod your head. "Yes you are!" He laughs and gives up. With you, there was no point in winning the argument.

Over the next few centuries, you and Lindir remained best friends. He had become an apprentice to Lord Glorfindel, your father, in hopes of becoming an advisor to Lord Elrond. You on the other hand, had become a member of the Re Ohtar, an all female army of elves that fought in the Second Age.

Now, you were returning home after being away for three hundred years. Glorfindel and Lindir were both ecstatic to see you, and you them. Specifically Lindir. You had grown to miss that darling Ellon more that you cared to explain. His smile, his soothing voice, the kisses on your hand, you could go on for hours.

When Lindir saw your horse approaching, he ran down the stairs and welcomed you with open arms. "Welcome home Mellon nin." He whispered in your pointed ear. You smile and hug him again.

"It's good to be home Mellon nin. Where is Ada?" You question looking for Lord Glorfindel. Lindir nods in the direction of Elrond's library. "Where he usually is."

You blush and link your arm with his as you walk that direction.

"How have you been Y/n? Rivendell has not been the same without you." You shrug. "I've been good. On the road most of the time, but have I got stories to tell you." Lindir raises an eyebrow. "Really? I have stories to tell you too?"

Before you could question him, the doors to the library open, revealing Lords Elrond and Glorfindel. "Ada!" You say, wrapping your arms around the blonde Ellon. Glorfindel smiles and kisses the top of your head.

"My Re Ohtar. I have missed you so much." You feel tears well up in your eyes hearing your father's voice again. Lord Elrond smiles and places a hand on your shoulder. "Welcome home Y/n. I must say that Rivendell will feel whole once again."

You laugh and wipe your eyes. "I have missed you all so much."

Lindir blushes in the background, looking down at his feet. Just then, you hear a melodious voice approaching. You turn to the direction of the voice, and feel your eyes widen at the sight before you.

A blonde Elleth, had come up and hugged YOUR Lindir from behind. The next few minutes took your breath away completely. Lindir smiled and brought the Elleth around and kisses her!

You raise an eyebrow to your friend, as the Elleth deepened the kiss. You clear your throat. "Ahem. Lindir, who's your little friend here?" You question, trying to sound sweet but your father could hear the poison dripping from your lips. He gave you a slight nudge.

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