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A/n: thank you AThousandWishes1000 for the idea! Based on a true story....

Lindir plays with his fingers as he waits for you. Tonight was the celebratory engagement party that Lord Elrond, your father, decided to throw for you both. Everyone in the entire elf kingdom had been invited.

When you emerge from your quarters wearing a blue dress that hugged your features just the right way, Lindir felt his breath catch in his throat. You smile and kiss his cheek, snapping him out of his trance. He takes your hand in his, brushing his thumb over your knuckles.

"You look beautiful meleth nin." He says smiling. You return the smile and give his hand a squeeze. "Tolo, my love." He says and leads you to the dining hall.

When the doors open for the couple, everyone stands up. Elves from all over Middle Earth cheer as Lindir and you walk into the room. Elrond sits with your grandparents, Celeborn and Galadriel, and beckons you over.

You smile and walk over to your father. He kisses your cheek and places his hand over his heart, extending it to Lindir. Arwen and Galadriel give you hugs, then your brothers ruffle your hair (big brothers will do this 🙄). You smack the back of their heads as Lindir does the same with his brother, Meludir.

Lindir takes your hand and leads you up to the table that had been set up, specifically for you both.

During the feast, Elrond stands up and raises his hands. You lean away from your fiancé whispering something to you, to look at your father. Everyone settles down, and turns their attention to the lord of Rivendell.

"Mellon, I want to personally thank each and every one of you that made it here tonight to celebrate the Union of my youngest, to the son of a good friend of mine, Esdarnuir." Lindir's father raises a glass at Elrond. "May the Valar bless your Union, and bring me grandchildren." He adds humorously.

You and Lindir blush Crimson as the entire hall laughs. Lindir kisses the side of your head.

"I love you."

"I know." You say and kiss him deeply.

A/n: when you don't have to be at work until 10 because there's ice on the roads Floridians don't know how to drive on it 😂🙌🏻. Also pretty sure I'm going to do a part 2 for this one.

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