Miss you

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A/n: it's currently 2:30 in the morning and I'm not even tired lol I've had 3 cups of coffee...because coffee is life 💕☕️ I'm also hungry

You sigh and roll over to nothing. A sinking feeling comes over you as you reach out to touch the pillow next to you.

Lindir had been away for a few days visit his little brother in Mirkwood, but you still missed him. His laughter, smile, the way his nose crinkled when he was confused, his touch...you could go on for hours.

You sigh and curl up with his pillow, inhaling the faint scent of your husband. It was an earthy scent, with a touch of old leather. You close your eyes and inhale again.

Your thoughts drifted away to a time long ago, before things in Middle Earth became dark. When the only thing that worried you was what color dress you should wear to try and catch a certain Ellon's eye.

(Flashback brought to you by my Chinese takeout I'm eating 🍷🍜)

Lindir sat under a tree reading a book, when you jump down from a higher branch.


Lindir smiled at you. "Hi there." You sit down next to him and look over his shoulder at the book. "What are you reading?"

Lindir smiles again. "Beren and Lúthien. You know it's my favorite story."

You nod and giggle. "It's mine too."  He blushed and moved closer to you so you both could read together. Eventually you both fell asleep under the tree. Your head on his shoulder, and Lindir's head on top of yours.

Glorfindel and Esdarnuir walked around Rivendell looking for their children. The two Ellons knew you were both inseparable, so if they found one, the other was bound to be close by.

The two elves searched all over the valley, but still no sign of either of you. Glorfindel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "They wouldn't just wander off..."

Lindir's father nodded. "Perhaps they are in the Hidden Garden up in the mountain."

Glorfindel nodded. "I did see Y/n go head that way earlier today..." Esdarnuir smiles. "Lindir likes to read in there since it is so quiet."

The elves head into the garden, and smile when they see the young Elleth and Ellon curled up together. Glorfindel sighs. He knew you and Lindir had a future together, but he wasn't ready to let his little Elleth go.

You were gently picked up by your father, and Lindir his. As Glorfindel lifted you up, he noticed that you held a necklace tightly in your hand.

(End flashback...a few days later)

You sat under the same tree in the hidden garden, twirling your necklace. The elven necklace had lasted all these years, and it shone just as much as it did years ago.

A noise makes you look up from the book you were reading. You gasp, jumping up into your husband's arms. Lindir chuckles, twirling you around and kissing you.

"I missed you melamin. You're never allowed to leave again!"

Lindir laughs and kisses you again. "I can agree to that."

You laugh and wrap your arms around his neck. Lindir puts his hand on your baby bump and kisses you gently. "I'm going to stay with both of you."

You smile again. "Good."

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