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You sit up as thunder cracks across the sky. The Hidden Valley had not seen a storm this bad for a few centuries. Lindir stirred next to you, but continued his light snoring.

You kiss his forehead before heading out of the bedroom to check on your young daughter. You pull the oak doors back as silently as you can, praying to the Valar that it didn't creak.

Stealing a glance back at your sleeping husband, you make sure he didn't wake up. You breath a sigh of relief and head to your daughter's room.

Taneniel was hidden under her blankets, covering her little pointed ears and sniffling. She was too scared to move or cry out for you or her father. You open the doors and sit on her bed.

"Taneniel what is the matter?" You ask wrapping your arms around her small figure. The elfling sniffles again and whimpers into your hair.

"Scared nana...."

You kiss her head and rub her back. "Would you like to sleep with me and Ada?" You ask, wiping a tear. The little elfling nods vigorously and clings to you.

You pick her up and head back to your bedroom. Once the bedroom doors close behind you, Taneniel takes off for the bed. Lindir stirs again when he feels something brush against him.

Taneniel snuggles into his warmth, causing him to open an eye. Before he could say anything, a loud crash of thunder and a flash of lightning cause the Elleth to scream and cry.

Lindir was fully awake now. He takes the elfling in his arms as you settle in next to him. Taneniel sobs into his chest, occasionally hiccuping. You stroke her shoulder length hair, attempting to calm her down.

After a while, the sniffles and hiccups stop. You stroke her little cheek, catching a stray year from sliding down her face.

"Do you feel better, meleth?" Lindir asks gently. She nods and slides down off of him, curling up between the two of you. Lindir nods to you. "Go to sleep moon and stars, nana and I will protect you from the storm."

You kiss her forehead in reassurance. "We will always protect you. No matter what."

Taneniel looks back and forth between you both, and wraps her arms around Lindir's arm. You smile and lean over her to kiss your husband. "I think someone found her knight in shining armor."

Lindir looks down to his now sleeping daughter and smiles. "I think you're right."

He kisses you again before settling down, draping his arm across Taneniel's waist to place his hand on you. You give him a slight smile before falling asleep yourself.

Lindir smiles at you and your daughter. It was nights like this one that he was grateful to the Valar for blessing him with a perfect little family. He looked over your shoulder out the window at the rain. Looks like he would be on thunder guard duty for a while.

Lindir imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now